3.4 Nuclear Supersymmetry 87
3.4 Nuclear Supersymmetry
In the previous section we showed how dynamical-symmetry limits arise in the
IBFM and we illustrated them with two examples. In each of these examples
it is clear that, if the no-fermion case is considered, the odd-mass classi-
fication in IBFM reduces to one of the three IBM classifications valid for
even–even nuclei. This, in fact, is a generic property and it forms the basis
of a supersymmetric model that allows a simultaneous description of even–
even and odd-mass nuclei. Note, however, that such a unified description is
not achieved with the formalism of the previous section since the dynamical
algebra U
(6) ⊗ U
(Ω) does not contain even–even and odd-mass nuclei in
a single of its representations. The search is thus on for a larger dynamical
algebra which necessarily must be supersymmetric in nature.
Nuclear supersymmetry should not be confused with fundamental super-
symmetry which predicts the existence of supersymmetric particles, such as
the photino and the selectron, for which, up to now, no evidence has been
found. If such particles exist, however, supersymmetry must be strongly bro-
ken since large mass differences must exist among superpartners, or otherwise
they would have been already detected. Competing supersymmetry models
give rise to diverse mass predictions and are the basis for current superstring
and brane theories [36, 182]. Nuclear supersymmetry, on the other hand, is
a theory that establishes precise links among the spectroscopic properties of
certain neighboring nuclei. Even-mass nuclei are composite bosonic systems,
while odd-mass nuclei are fermionic. It is in this context that nuclear su-
persymmetry provides a theoretical framework where bosonic and fermionic
systems are treated as members of the same supermultiplet. Nuclear super-
symmetry treats the excitation spectra and transition intensities of the dif-
ferent nuclei as arising from a single hamiltonian and a single set of transition
operators. A necessary condition for such an approach to be successful is that
the energy scale for bosonic and fermionic excitations is comparable which is
indeed the case in nuclei. Nuclear supersymmetry was originally postulated
by Iachello and co-workers [37, 183] as a symmetry among pairs of nuclei.
Subsequently, it was extended to quartets of nuclei, where odd–odd nuclei
could be incorporated in a natural way, as discussed in Chapt. 5.
Building on the concepts developed in the preceding sections, we now show
that even–even and odd-mass nuclei can be treated in a unified framework
based on symmetry ideas of IBM and IBFM. Schematically, states in such
nuclei are connected by the generators
b 0
, (3.19)
where indices are omitted for simplicity. States in an even–even nucleus are
connected by the operators in the upper left-hand corner of (3.19), while