64 2 Symmetry in Nuclear Physics
calculations. (Detailed comparisons are shown in the original literature [103,
108].) While data for a prolate–oblate transition are scarce and do not reach
fruition on the oblate side because of the impending double shell closure at
Pb, there is a moderate increase in Q(2
) in going from Pt to Hg. Clearly,
a fascinating quest in exotic nuclei would be to search for a full prolate–oblate
transitional region. With the altered single-particle level sequences thought
possible in weakly bound, very neutron-rich nuclei there are grounds for spec-
ulating that the regions of deformation there might be more compact in N
and Z and more prolate–oblate symmetric.
2.2.3 Partial Dynamical Symmetries
As argued in Chap. 1, a dynamical symmetry can be viewed as a generaliza-
tion and refinement of the concept of symmetry. Its basic paradigm is to write
a hamiltonian in terms of Casimir operators of a set of nested algebras. Its
hallmarks are (i) solvability of the complete spectrum, (ii) existence of exact
quantum numbers for all eigenstates and (iii) pre-determined structure of the
eigenfunctions, independent of the parameters in the hamiltonian. A further
enlargement of these ideas is obtained by means of the concept of partial
dynamical symmetry. The essential idea is to relax the stringent condi-
tions of complete solvability so that the properties (i–iii) are only partially
Partiality comes in three different guises:
1. Some of the eigenstates keep all of the quantum numbers. In this case the
properties of solvability, good quantum numbers and symmetry-dictated
structure are fulfilled exactly, but only by a subset of eigenstates [130].
This is possible, for example, in the SU(3) limit of the IBM where a
hamiltonian can be constructed which is not scalar in SU(3), of which a
subset of eigenstates is solvable with conserved SU(3) symmetry, while
all others are mixed [131].
2. All eigenstates keep some of the quantum numbers. In this case none of
the eigenstates is solvable, yet some quantum numbers (of the conserved
symmetries) are retained. This occurs, for example, if the hamiltonian
contains interaction terms from two different chains with a common sub-
algebra, such as SO(5) which occurs in the U(5) and SO(6) classifica-
tions. As a consequence, the SO(5) label τ is conserved even if U(5) and
SO(6) Casimir operators simultaneously occur in the hamiltonian [98].
In general, this type of partial dynamical symmetry arises if the hamilto-
nian preserves some of the quantum numbers in a dynamical-symmetry
classification while breaking others. Such a scenario is possible, for exam-
ple, in the SO(6) limit of the IBM by constructing a hamiltonian which
preserves the U(6), SO(6) and SO(3) symmetries (and the associated
quantum numbers N, σ and L) but not the SO(5) symmetry, leading
to τ admixtures [132]. To obtain this type of partial dynamical symme-
try, it might be necessary to include higher-order (three- or more-body)
interactions in the hamiltonian.