42 2 Symmetry in Nuclear Physics
are the spin, isospin and spin–isospin operators, in terms of s
the spin and isospin components of nucleon k. The 15 operators (2.17)
generate the Lie algebra SU(4). According to the discussion in Chap. 1,
any hamiltonian satisfying the conditions (2.16) has SU(4) symmetry, and
this in addition to symmetries associated with the conservation of total spin
S and total isospin T .
To obtain a qualitative understanding of SU(4) symmetry, it is instruc-
tive to analyze the case of two nucleons in an oscillator shell. Total anti-
symmetry of the wave function requires that the spatial part is symmetric
and the spin–isospin part anti-symmetric or vice versa. Both cases correspond
to a different symmetry under SU(4), the first being anti-symmetric and the
second symmetric. The symmetry under a given algebra can characterized by
the so-called Young diagram (see Box on Permutation symmetry and Young
diagrams). For two particles the anti-symmetric configuration is denoted as
[1, 1], while the symmetric one is written as [2, 0].
Permutation symmetry and Young diagrams. Systems of A identical parti-
cles are invariant with respect to the permutations P
that exchange all
coordinates of the two particles i and j. As a consequence the hamilto-
nian is invariant under the permutation group S
and its eigenstates can
be classified according to the irreducible representations of that group. If
the constituent particles are fermions, such as is the case for the atomic
nucleus, any physical state must be completely anti-symmetric. If nothing
else is known of the system’s hamiltonian than its invariance with respect
to P
, not much further can be learned from permutation symmetry. In
many cases, however, a quantum-mechanical system may exhibit an invari-
ance, albeit approximate, under the exchange of part of the coordinates of
two particles i and j. For example, the nuclear interaction is to a good
approximation charge independent. As a result, and if furthermore the ef-
fects of the Coulomb interaction are neglected, the nuclear hamiltonian can
be assumed invariant under the exchange P
of only the isobaric coor-
dinates of particles i and j (see the discussion of isospin in Sect. 1.1.6).
Likewise, although this is a much more questionable hypothesis, one may
impose invariance under the exchange P
of only the spin coordinates of
particles i and j. The additional symmetries, associated with the invari-
ance with respect to permutations that act on a partial set of the nu-
cleons’ coordinates, can be used to devise additional quantum numbers.
The central idea is that while all eigenstates must be completely anti-
symmetric or completely symmetric under P
, for fermions or bosons, re-
spectively, this is not necessarily the case for permutations such as P
and their symmetry character under such partial permutations can be
exploited to yield additional labels.
The symmetry type under (total or partial) permutations is specified
by n integers λ
≥ λ
≥ ···≥ λ
≥ 0whichsumtoA and where n is the