2.1 The Nuclear Shell Model 31
many-body problem results which is much harder to solve. Interestingly, two
types of residual interaction exist—pairing and quadrupole—which allow an
analytic solution and which have found fruitful application in nuclear physics.
The attractive, short-range nature of the residual interaction has far-
reaching consequences. In the extreme short-range limit of a delta interac-
tion δ(r
), the many-body nuclear wave function conserves total orbital
angular momentum L and total spin S, besides total angular momentum
J associated with rotational invariance. This classification (LS or Russell–
Saunders coupling) is badly broken by the spin–orbit term in the nuclear
mean field. The conflicting tendency between the short-range character of
the residual interaction, which favors LS coupling, and the spin–orbit term
in the average potential, which leads to a jj-coupled classification, is a cru-
cial element in the structural determination of the nucleus. This conflict was
recognized and studied in the early days of the nuclear shell model [41]. The
generally accepted conclusion is that, while the LS classification is appropri-
ate for very light nuclei, with increasing mass it is gradually replaced by jj
coupling which is relevant for the vast majority of nuclei [42].
The second important feature that determines the structure of the nucleus
is the number of neutrons and protons in the valence shell. The residual
interaction between identical nucleons has a pairing character which favors
the formation of pairs of nucleons in time-reversed orbits. This is no longer
true when the valence shell contains both neutrons and protons, in which case
the interaction acquires an important quadrupole component. Hence, nuclei
display a wide variety of spectra, from pairing-type toward rotational like.
The evolution from one type to the other is governed by the product n
neutron and proton numbers in the valence shell [43].
In summary, the gross structure of nuclei is determined by (i) the com-
petition between residual interaction and shell structure, (ii) the strength of
the short-range interaction versus the spin–orbit term in the mean field and
(iii) the balance between pairing and quadrupole interactions.
2.1.1 The SU(2) Pairing Model
The residual interaction among the valence nucleons is assumed to have a
pairing character. Thus, for example, in a single j shell one considers an
interaction which is attractive for two particles coupled to angular momentum
J = 0 and zero otherwise,
= −
(2j +1)g
, (2.2)
where g
is a (positive) strength parameter. This is a reasonable, albeit
schematic, approximation to the residual interaction between identical nu-
cleons and hence can only be appropriate in semi-magic nuclei. The pair-
ing interaction is illustrated in Fig. 2.1 for the nucleus
Pb which can be