4 Symmetries with Neutrons and Protons
Atomic nuclei consist of neutrons and protons. This seemingly trivial ob-
servation has far-reaching consequences as far as the structure of nuclei is
concerned. Neutrons and protons are the elementary building blocks of the
nuclear shell model. They are always included in the model, either explicitly
or via the formalism of isospin which assigns to each nucleon an intrinsic
label T =1/2 with different projections for neutron and proton. While the
neutron–proton degree of freedom is an essential part of the shell model, it is
not always one of the interacting boson model (IBM). In fact, in the version
of the model discussed in Sect. 2.2 no distinction is made between neutrons
and protons and all bosons are considered as identical. Nevertheless, to make
the model more realistic, it is essential to introduce this distinction. This is
the main objective of the present chapter.
In analogy with the isospin of nucleons, the neutron–proton degree of
freedom can be introduced in the IBM by assigning an intrinsic label to the
bosons. This so-called F spin has, by convention, a projection M
= −1/2
for a neutron boson and M
=+1/2 for a proton boson. This approach gives
rise to the simplest version of the boson model that deals with neutrons and
protons, the so-called neutron–proton interacting boson model or IBM-2.
Although the IBM-2 is one of the most successful extensions of the bo-
son model, to make contact with the shell model, and, specifically, with the
isospin quantum number of that model, more elaborate versions of the IBM
are needed. As argued in Sect. 2.2, the s and d bosons of the IBM can be
associated with Cooper pairs of nucleons in the valence shell coupled to an-
gular momenta J =0andJ = 2. This interpretation constitutes the basis of
the connection between the boson and the shell model. A mapping between
the two models is rather involved for the sd IBM with U(6) dynamical sym-
metry. A simplified version of the IBM with only s bosons, however, has an
immediate connection with the pairing limit of the shell model discussed in
Sect. 2.1.1. The s-boson creation and annihilation operators are associated
with the operators S
which, together with S
, form the quasi-spin SU(2)
algebra. With use of this correspondence, the pairing interaction between
identical nucleons can be mapped exactly onto an s-boson hamiltonian.
By analogy, to obtain a better understanding of boson models with neu-
trons and protons, we should analyze the pairing limit of the shell model
with non-identical nucleons. This is done in Sect. 4.1. A shell-model analysis
A. Frank et al., Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei, 105
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 230, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-87495-1
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009