156 6 Supersymmetry and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
could be candidates for dark matter. In supersymmetric theories every funda-
mental fermion has a boson superpartner and vice versa. But, are there solid
arguments for the existence of supersymmetric particles at the weak scale,
with masses comparable to those of the heaviest known elementary particles,
the W and Z bosons and the top quark? Not quite, except for the mathemat-
ical beauty and consistence of the theory. In the past decades thousands of
papers dealing with supersymmetric field theories have been published. This
is rather unusual since there is as yet no direct experimental evidence for the
existence of any of the new particles predicted by supersymmetry.
As has been pointed out throughout this book, supersymmetry is an
unconventional symmetry since fermions and bosons display very different
physical properties. While identical bosons may condense—a phenomenon
known as Bose–Einstein condensation—in view of the Pauli exclusion prin-
ciple no two identical fermions can populate the same state. Thus it would
be remarkable if a link between these seemingly distinct and dissimilar par-
ticles exists. We have analyzed in previous chapters the kind of algebras
associated to supersymmetry (i.e., graded Lie algebras) which close under
a combination of commutation and anti-commutation relations. In the con-
text of particle physics, supersymmetry predicts that corresponding to every
basic constituent of nature, there should be a supersymmetric partner with
spin differing by a half-integral unit. It further predicts that the two super-
symmetric partners must have identical mass in case supersymmetry is an
exact symmetry. In the context of a unified theory of the basic interactions
of nature, supersymmetry thus predicts the existence of partners to all the
basic constituents of nature, i.e., partners to the six leptons, the six quarks
and the corresponding gauge quanta (the photon, three weak bosons, W
and Z
, and eight gluons). The fact that no scalar electron (the spin-
less ‘selectron’) has been observed with a mass of less than about 100 GeV
(while the electron mass is only 0.5 MeV) suggests that supersymmetry, if
present in nature, must be a broken symmetry. It is evident that if any such
‘particle’ exists, supersymmetry must be strongly broken since large mass dif-
ferences must occur among superpartners or otherwise at least some of them
would have already been detected. Unfortunately, competing supersymmetry
models give rise to diverse mass predictions. Supersymmetry, proposed more
than three decades ago, has become the dominant framework to formulate
physics beyond the standard model despite of the lack of direct experimental
6.2 Strings and Superstrings
The fundamental assumption of string theory is that elementary particles
are not point like but arise as elementary excitations of an extended ob-
ject of dimension one, a string. The time evolution of the string spans
a two-dimensional surface embedded in space–time (see Fig. 6.1). In the