Death, Birth and Marriage 87
agricultural society in the face of disease, adverse weather and inadequate
technology. War was a vile event, bringing depredation, disorder and
Famine, more commonly known as dearth, struck fi ercely in the seven-
teenth century. Coming in the 1620s, 1640s and 1690s, Scots were subjected
not only to famine, but also to marching armies and the diseases they carried.
In July 1695, in the face of a promising harvest, exports were encouraged,
but by August much of the crop was ruined and several years of diffi culty,
sometimes severe, followed. Much of this was documented by those loyal
to the covenanted fi eld preachers of earlier decades, for they saw the hand
of God at work in the last great national famine – that in some people’s
minds seemed to follow from the political settlement of 1688; for others it
was indicative of the extent to which the Scots – God’s chosen people – had
strayed from the path of righteousness.
Crops failed again in 1709 and
1740. During the second of these years, ‘the populace of Edinburgh attacked
the mills, certain granaries in Leith, and sundry meal-shops, and possessed
themselves of several hundred bolls of grain, the military forces being too
limited to prevent them’.
Fighting between the mob and the military con-
tinued and demonstrates a distinct change of attitude, for the famine of the
1690s was met with proclamations requiring prayer and fasting from a sinful
population, and government measures to allow for the importation of grain.
Crowds demanding immediate redress were relatively few.
By 1740, high
prices for meal, and hunger, were experienced as remediable. In 1709 it is
questionable if there was a real shortage, or just an excess of speculation in
the grain market.
If sin brought dearth and famine in the 1690s, by 1740
exporters and the town councils were blamed. The prospect of privation and
hunger was not accepted as quietly as it had been in 1698, when, perhaps
owing to the sheer scale and longevity in some districts of the suffering, those
affl icted had little energy to protest against their fate:
I have seen some walking about at sunsetting, and next day, at six o’clock in the
summer morning, found dead in their houses, without making any stir at their
death, their head lying upon their hand, with as great a smell as if they had been four
days dead; the mice or rats having eaten a great part of their hands and arms.
But this is one person’s view; the truth is that we know very little about
how ordinary Scots at this time faced and dealt with death. Thereafter a
minister or elder might offer a prayer. Burials for the majority were simple
affairs – deliberately so after the Reformation – conducted without a min-
ister present, although the wake and funeral might be accompanied in the
north and west by a dirge on the pipes, and everywhere, where it could be
afforded, by drinking, refl ection and some festivity (too much according to
some churchmen).
Transported to the grave-side in mortcloths, unlike the
Netherlands, corpses were generally buried in the kirkyard, rather than in
the church itself.
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