62 Charles McKean
outside Dundee, a village of jumbled cottages grew up in the 1780s and
1790s whose householders were entirely artisans and labourers.
the former islands of Netherhaugh and Overhaugh in the valley of the Gala
Water at Galashiels had been colonised by random cottages and unplanned
streets in the later eighteenth century, to the extent that the Scotts of Gala
felt compelled to lay out a more formal High Street on new ground to the
north-west, to ensure that the expanding lower town had the requisite
Dorothy Wordsworth, predictably, much preferred the pictur-
esque thatched cottages to the new plainly elegant, two-storeyed, whinstone-
built High Street houses which she found ‘ugly’.
As in cities throughout Europe, control of fi re and sanitation were the
two principal causes of civic intervention. In most Scots burghs, the dean
of guild had the duty of overseeing construction and condemning decayed
buildings. A maximum height for buildings facing Edinburgh’s High Street,
for example, had initially been set at twenty feet, based upon the height of
the fi re ladder. Fearful of the continual fi res, it banned the use of thatch as a
roof covering in the early seventeenth century. After a disastrous fi re fanned
by timber foregalleries in 1651, Glasgow rebuilt its four principal streets in
four-storeyed ashlar upon arcaded ground fl oors for the merchants’ booths.
The resulting urbanism attracted the admiration of all visitors.
A century
later, in the 1760s, in explicit pursuit of modernism, but none the less
prompted by the need for fi re control, Dundee swept away its street-fronting
timber galleries, leaving the much plainer stone substructures behind. At
the same time, it removed the arcades that formerly ran in front of the
merchants’ booths at ground fl oor level. Although Perth still retained a few
‘wooden houses in the old style’, magistrates prohibited their rebuilding in
such fashion.
Scotland’s sewage regulations had not kept up with the increasing height
of urban tenements. Whereas Antwerp, for example, had introduced down-
pipes to carry sewage from upper storeys to street level sewers in the early
1500s, it was a standing reproach to Edinburgh that two hundred years later it
still had not done so – earning opprobrium from Jonathan Swift and Samuel
Johnson alike. Edmund Burt left a particularly vividly revolting description
of what happened in 1734, when the nightly 10 pm curfew permitted a uni-
versal slop-out from upper storey windows.
Edinburgh lagged behind even
Dundee in tackling the problem, and did not address it until the late 1760s.
Most aristocrats and country gentlemen maintained townhouses in their
regional urban centres, and some magnates had townhouses in several: the
earls and marquesses of Huntly, for example, had townhouses or villas
in at least Inverness, Fortrose, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. In a burgh like
Wigtown, the principal structures, apart from tolbooth and church, would
have been the townhouses of the regional gentry: Ahannays, Stewarts, Vaus,
McLellans, McCullochs, Dunbars, Agnews, Gordons and Kennedies.
most prominent house in a smaller burgh might well be the townhouse of a
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