Everyday Structures, Rhythms and Spaces 39
Table 1.3 Calendar of work: Monymusk, 1749, and Marchmont, 1758–9. Source:
H. Hamilton (ed.), Life and Labour on an Aberdeenshire Estate 1735–1750,
Third Spalding Club (Aberdeen, 1946), pp. 80–130; NAS, Marchmont Muniments,
Monymusk 1749
January: Ploughing, Threshing, Taking Down Fold Dykes, Building
Fold Dykes, Attending Cattle and Sheep, Threshing, Taking
Malt to Miller, Cutting Broom, Driving Burnet Clay, Making
February: Ploughing, Threshing, Harrowing, Drawing and Spreading
Clay, Casting Outfi eld Dykes, Building Tathfolds, Digging,
Attending Sheep and Cattle, Sowing, Trenching, Cleaning
March: Ploughing, Sowing, Threshing, Filling Crown of Rigs
April: Ploughing, Threshing, Harrowing, Rolling, Dunging, Sowing,
Ditching, Gathering Stones, Cleaning Houses and Byres
May: Ploughing, Harrowing, Sowing, Dunging, Mending Dykes inc.
Fold Dykes, Managing Cattle, Carting Hay, Mending Horse
Graith, Making Gates, Making Bridge
June: Ploughing, Harrowing, Dunging, Bleeding Cattle, Smiddie
Work, Mending Graith, Mending Folds, Sowing, Drawing
July: Ploughing, Harrowing, Dunging, Pulling Thistles, Drawing
Stones, Carting Peats, Preparing Folds
August: Ploughing, Pulling Thistles, Hoeing,Weeding, Mending Stable
and Byre, Filling Holes, Attending Market, Drawing Stones,
Cutting Peats, Casting Feal, Building Byre
September: Ploughing, Drawing Peat, Shearing, Making Ropes and Horse
Graith, Threshing, Attending Market, Drawing Divots
October: Ploughing, Threshing, Stacking, Making Ropes, Drawing
Stone, Attending Market, Pulling Turnips, Drawing Divots,
Cleaning Houses
November: Ploughing, Threshing, Cutting Broom, Cleaning Houses,
Drawing Dung, Harrowing, Fold Dykes
December: Ploughing, Threshing, Drawing Dung, Spreading Dung,
Taking Down Previous Year’s Fold Dykes, Mending Graith,
Dressing and Carting Bear
Marchmont 1758–9
January: Ploughing, Leading Divots and earth, Leading Hay, Felling
Timber, Levelling Dykes, Leading Broom
February: Ploughing, Levelling Old Dykes, Leading Hay, Leading
Timber, Leading Lime
March: Ploughing, Levelling, Leading Timber, Leading Lime,
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