114 Helen M. Dingwall
diseases such as typhus had even more devastating effects on the population.
Even in times of good harvests and economic stability, though, disease was
still a feature at all levels of society and in all areas of the country. Fevers,
whooping cough, typhoid and dysentery (‘bloody fl ux’) were all prevalent,
and consumption was still the most frequent cause of death noted on bills
of mortality, followed by ‘fever’ and smallpox.
Gradually the devastating
effects of famine and disease in tandem were alleviated, although there were
still outbreaks, particularly of smallpox, but also of ‘putrid sore throat’ and
sibbens in Aberdeen in the 1790s, epidemic measles in Edinburgh in the
1720s and Kilmarnock in the 1740s.
It is diffi cult to obtain rank-specifi c mortality or morbidity statistics for
this period. Interestingly, though, evidence has been produced to show that
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the Scots were, on average, taller
than the English, suggesting better nutritional or environmental conditions,
and this is likely also to relate to social status.
This is confi rmed by evi-
dence showing that Writers to the Signet as a group had higher than average
life expectancy.
There was also, of course, the general background of un-health, in that
diseases such as common colds, which are trivial nowadays, could well be
lethal, while the debilitating effects of intestinal worms, or poor diet, meant
that a state of health in modern terms could be achieved rarely. Constant
manual labour produced early arthritis, while old age came prematurely,
without the possibility of retirement for most. This, however, is one area
where the effects of debility were more status-linked, as the elite could afford
servants to care for them in their old age.
In terms of general endemic conditions, it was claimed that in Caithness,
for example, ague (which may have been a form of malaria) and rheumatism
were the most common everyday affl ictions.
People here, as well as else-
where in Scotland, suffered from sibbens (sivvens, civvans or Scottish yaws),
a bacterial illness, characterised by raspberry-like spots on the skin. There
were similarities with syphilis, but the disease was probably propagated by
non-venereal means. Boyd notes that it has been referred to as ‘Fromboisia
Cromwelliana’, allegedly brought to Scotland by Cromwell’s troops after
the battle of Dunbar in 1650.
Invading troops were a convenient focus of
blame for the introduction of several affl ictions, including plague and vene-
real diseases.
The OSA returns give good evidence of general levels of illness and
disease. The report for the small east-coast fi shing port of Eyemouth states:
The air here is reckoned healthy. We are not affl icted with any infectious or epi-
demical diseases, except the small-pox, the bad effects of which have of late been
prevented by inoculation. The only complaints that prove mortal in this place, are
different kinds of fevers and consumptions; and these are mostly confi ned to the
poorest class of people, and ascribed to their scanty diet.
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