134 Helen M. Dingwall
36. M. H. Kaufman, ‘Caesarean operations performed in Edinburgh during the eight-
eenth century’, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 102 (1995), 186–91.
37. D. Buchan (ed.), The Writings of David Rorie (Edinburgh, 1994), pp. 79–80.
38. National Library of Scotland (NLS), Adv.MS.23.6.5, f35r.
39. The post of mediciner at King’s College seems to have been a sinecure, though
Gilbert Skene, appointed in 1556, wrote a treatise on the plague, deemed to
be the fi rst medical publication in Scots. M. Lynch and H. M. Dingwall, ‘Elite
society in town and country’, in E. P. Dennison, D. Ditchburn and M. Lynch
(eds), Aberdeen before 1800. A New History (East Linton, 2002), pp. 197–8.
40. Full account in H. M. Dingwall, A Famous and Flourishing Society. The History of
the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1505–2005 (Edinburgh, 2005).
41. Geyer-Kordesch and Macdonald, Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow.
42. NLS, MS3774, p. 84.
43. This view is confi rmed in relation to England by M. Pelling, The Common
Lot. Sickness, Medical Occupations and the Urban Poor in Early Modern England
(London, 1998).
44. R. Thin, ‘Medical quacks in Edinburgh in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen-
turies’, Book of the Old Edinburgh Club, 22 (1939), 132–60.
45. Caledonian Mercury, 10–13 March 1710; 21 July 1726. Fuller coverage in H. M.
Dingwall, ‘“To be insert in the Mercury”: medical practitioners and the press in
eighteenth-century Edinburgh’, Social History of Medicine, 12:1 (2000), 40–2.
46. Edinburgh Courant, 6–8 August 1706.
47. E. A. Underwood, Boerhaave’s Men at Leyden and After (Edinburgh, 1977).
48. F. A. Macdonald, ‘Reading Cleghorn the clinician: the clinical case records of Dr
Robert Cleghorn, 1785–1818’, in C. W. J. Withers and P. Wood (eds), Science
and Medicine in the Scottish Enlightenment (East Linton, 2002), pp. 255–79.
49. Withers and Wood (eds), Science and Medicine, pp. 260–1.
50. C. Lawrence, Medicine in the Making of Modern Britain (London, 1994), p. 3.
51. Comrie, History of Scottish Medicine, pp. ii, 450.
52. J. L. M, Jenkinson, M. S. Moss and I. F. Russell, The Royal. The History of the
Glasgow Royal Infi rmary 1794–1994 (Glasgow, 1994), p. 11.
53. T. M. Devine and G. Jackson (eds), Glasgow, Vol. I. Beginnings to 1830
(Manchester, 1995).
54. I. D. Levack and H. A. F. Dudley, Aberdeen Infi rmary. The People’s Hospital of the
North-East (London, 1992).
55. G. Risse, ‘“Typhus” fever in eighteenth-century hospitals: new approaches to
medical treatment’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 59:2 (1985), 176–95.
56. ECA, Accounts for the Surgeon to the Poor, 1710.
57. Edinburgh Advertiser, 8–12 June 1787.
58. ECA, Accounts for Surgeon to the Poor, 1710.
59. P. Lowe, The Whole Course of Chirurgerie: Wherein is Briefl y Set Downe the Causes,
Signes, Prognostications & Curations of All Sorts of Tumors, Wounds, Vlcers, Fractures,
Dislocations & all Other Diseases, Vsually Practiced by Chirurgions, According to the
Opinion of All Our Ancient Doctours in Chirurgerie (London, 1597).
60. Porter, Greatest Benefi t, p. 35.
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