Food and Clothing 161
6. Alastair J. Durie, The Scottish Linen Industry in the Eighteenth Century (Edinburgh,
7. For background to this approach, see, Amy de la Haye and Elizabeth Wilson
(eds), Defi ning Dress: Dress as Object, Meaning and Identity (Manchester, 1999).
8. John Telfer Dunbar, A History of Highland Dress (Edinburgh, 1962), ch. 4.
9. Christopher A. Whatley, The Scots and the Union (Edinburgh, 2006), ch. 9.
10. Dunbar, Highland Dress, pp. 98–9.
11. James Currie, The Works of Robert Burns, 4 vols (Montrose, 1816), vol. 3, p. 166.
12. Gibson and Smout, Prices, table 7.1.
13. Gibson and Smout Prices, p. 227.
14. Edmund Burt, Letters from the North of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1998), p. 49.
15. Stana Nenadic, Lairds and Luxury: the Highland Gentry in Eighteenth Century
Scotland (Edinburgh, 2007), ch. 6.
16. National Library of Scotland (NLS), MS.15913.
17. William Croft Dickinson, Two Students at St. Andrews, 1711–1716: Edited from the
Delvine Papers (Edinburgh, 1952), pp. lzvi–lxvii.
18. Gibson and Smout, Prices, table 7.2.
19. Burt, Letters, p. 65.
20. Gibson and Smout, Prices, ch. 7.
21. Allan Ramsay, The Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy, 2 vols (Edinburgh, 1808),
vol. 2. p. 539.
22. Susan Ferrier, Marriage, a Novel (Edinburgh, 1818), p. 287.
23. Burt, Letters, p. 119.
24. Burt, Letters, p. 119.
25. David Kuchta, The Three Piece Suit and Modern Masculinity (Berkeley, CA, 2002).
26. Avril Hart, ‘The mantua: its evolution and fashionable signifi cance in the seven-
teenth and eighteenth centuries’, in Hay and Wilson (eds), Defi ning Dress.
27. Dunbar, Highland Dress, ch. 6.
28. Burt, Letters, p. 48.
29. Dunbar, Highland Dress, p. 95.
30. Lewis Walpole Library Digital Collection.
31. A. J. Youngson, Beyond the Highland Line: Three Journals of Travel in Eighteenth
Century Scotland. Burt, Pennant, Thornton (London, 1974), p. 151.
32. Burt, Letters, p. 48.
33. Nenadic, Lairds and Luxury, ch. 7.
34. E. C. Sanderson, ‘Nearly new: the second-hand clothing trade in eighteenth-
century Edinburgh’, Costume, 31 (1997), 38–48. John Styles, ‘Clothing the North:
the supply of non-elite clothing in the eighteenth-century North of England’,
Textile History, 25:2 (1994), 139–66.
35. John Styles, ‘Custom or consumption? Plebian fashion in eighteenth century
England’, in Maxine Berg and Elizabeth Eger (eds), Luxury in the Eighteenth Century:
Debates, Desires and Delectable Goods (Basingstoke, 2003), pp. 103–18.
36. William Mackay (ed.), Letter Book of Bailie John Steuart of Inverness
Engraving, Shetland Museum. SCRAN Image: 000-000-563-921-C.
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