188 Bob Harris
interpretation of Revivalist preaching in eighteenth-century Scotland’, Journal
of British Studies, 28 (1989), 131, 146.
86. See Andrew Noble, ‘Displaced persons: Burns and the Renfrew Radicals’, in
Bob Harris (ed.), Scotland in the Age of the French Revolution (Edinburgh, 2005),
pp. 196–225.
87. These reading societies, which numbered around fi fty, are described in a
remarkable and little remarked on series of articles in the Scots Chronicle, 20
October, 30 December 1796; 20 January, 10 February, 24 February, 4 April, 19,
30 May, 7 July, 10 November, 5 December 1797; 16 February, 16 March 1798.
See also Crawford, ‘Reading and book use’, p. 37, where the author refers to
the Encyclopaedia Club of Paisley, a debating society, which was in existence as
early as 1770, membership of which included a blacksmith, barber and hand-
loom weaver.
88. J. R. R. Adams, The Printed Word and the Common Man: Popular Culture in Ulster
1700–1900 (Belfast, 1987), pp. 39–40.
89. For a European perspective, see Paul Arblaster, ‘Posts, newsletters, newspa-
pers: England in a European system of communications’, in Joad Raymond
(ed.), News Networks in Seventeenth-Century Britain and Europe (Basingstoke,
2006), pp. 19–34.
90. Culloden Papers, Correspondence from 1625 to 1748 (London, 1815), pp. 14–15,
memoir of a plan for preserving the peace of the Highlands.
91. A. R. B. Haldane, Three Centuries of Scottish Posts (Edinburgh, 1971).
92. Haldane, Three Centuries, pp. 108–9.
93. Horse posts, for example, were introduced from the 1710s and mail coaches
from the 1780s.
94. Arblaster, ‘Posts, newsletters, newspapers’, p. 20.
95. Bob Harris, ‘The Scots, the Westminster Parliament, and the British state in the
eighteenth century’, in Julian Hoppit (ed.), Parliaments, Nations and Identities in
Britain and Ireland, 1660–1850 (Manchester, 2003), p. 130.
96. L. W. Sharp (ed.), Early Letters of Robert Wodrow,1698–1709 (Edinburgh, 1937).
97. Rebecca Earle (ed.), Epistolary Selves: Letters and Letter Writers 1600–1945
(Aldershot, 1999), p. 2.
98. On this, see relevant comment in Susan Whyman, ‘Paper visits”: The post-
Restoration letter as seen through the Verney family archive’, in Earle,
Epistolary Selves, pp. 15–36.
99. Katrina Williamson, ‘The emergence of privacy: letters, journals and domestic
writing’, in Brown et al., The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature, p. 60.
100. Blair Castle, Atholl Papers, 65 (6), 24, 115, 121.
101. For a recent study of such networks, see Douglas J. Hamilton, Scotland, the
Caribbean and the Atlantic World, 1750–1820 (Manchester, 2005).
102. Diary of the Reverend John Mill, Minister in Shetland (Edinburgh, 1889), p. 52.
103. Kate Teltscher, ‘The sentimental ambassador: the letters of George Bogle from
Bengal, Bhutan, and Tibet, 1770–1781’, in Earle, Epistolary Selves, pp. 81, 84–5.
104. Haldane, Three Centuries of Scottish Posts, p. 59.
105. I owe this insight to discussion with Susan Whyman. I am grateful to her for
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