206 Christopher A. Whatley
parishioners eligible for communion also point to rather a low level of religi-
osity, other perhaps than during the c. 1690–1720s period of more intense
kirk fervour.
On the other hand, not least because of the considerable
quantities of wine that were disbursed, as well as unusually generous hand-
outs for the poor, the yearly communion had its attractions – as a boisterous
holiday – and, therefore, its moralising detractors.
That there were in most
communities sizeable minorities, perhaps as much as a third of the popula-
tion of a town like Glasgow, who seemed oblivious to or were prepared to
ignore the efforts of parish elders to coral them, is indicated by the frequency
with which complaints were made of idling, drinking, playing games and
working on the sabbath. Even servant girls drawing water from wells on a
Sunday was disapproved of in Dundee as late as 1796.
It was this kind of low level disorder that permeated Scottish society. In
Edinburgh, most malicious but relatively minor damage to property and
small-scale vandalism, robberies, and muggings were random events, carried
out in the main by young males who had had too much to drink.
brawling was for men, largely. Women perpetrating violent assaults, includ-
ing robberies, were much more likely to have been sober and to have
planned their crimes.
Much of what happened to disrupt daily life can be
classifi ed as unneighbourly conduct, such as name-calling or fi ghting, as in
Hawick in 1645 when James Scott was accused by Gilbert Watt of calling him
a ‘twa facet thief, and ane runnigat beggar’, or in the same place in 1642 when
Thomas Oliver, described as a traveller, drew ‘ane sword to James Burne,
Provosts, town councillors, magistrates and baillies often found
themselves on the receiving end of abuse, both verbal and physical, more
often than might be anticipated and despite the insistence of the magistrates
in Perth, for example, that those passing them doff their hats.
torment for the town’s dignitaries had become more or less the norm by the
1770s on the annual occasion of the king’s birthday celebrations, an event –
in all of its rumbustiousness – captured in Robert Fergusson’s ‘The King’s
Birthday in Edinburgh’ (1772). Glasgow’s Mercury newspaper in 1792 treated
the ‘daring’ outrages of the day more seriously, and condemned the actions
of the ‘loose disorderly rabble throwing brick bats, dead dogs and cats, by
which several of the military were severely cut’.
It was the state that had led
moves to mark the monarch’s birthday after the Restoration. Celebrations
had been orchestrated by a number of burghs, but as early as the 1730s the
town authorities in Lanark and Stirling had had to take stern action to deal
with the day’s disturbances.
Although in the early eighteenth century
there were contests between Jacobite celebrants of the birthday of the Old
Pretender and Hanoverians, by the time Fergusson was writing it is clear
that the occasion had been hijacked by the towns’ youths and other ordi-
nary inhabitants. The king’s birthday had been become a much- anticipated
and energetically planned-for occasion upon which they could prick the
pomposity of their social superiors and remind them, in the manner of the
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