Order and Disorder 195
ministers, aided by a posse of elders and deacons, who had no compunction
about intruding into the most intimate aspects of the lives of their parishion-
ers. Their rule was absolute, and held sway over their ministers too. Parish
populations typically ranged in number between 600 and 3,000 – readily
manageable numbers for an active kirk session. In many burghs the sessions
included at least one town baillie, and were often assisted in their work by the
town councils and the burgh courts. In Aberdeen during the second half of
the seventeenth century most offenders appeared in both secular and church
In the countryside an elder was appointed from each barony.
therefore, escaped the elders’ gimlet-eyed gaze. This was directed toward the
streets, wynds and public places in the towns, and country lanes and fi elds.
Elders peered – literally – into the everyday activities of parishioners in their
homes, workshops and barns. They used their ears too, to detect illicit love-
making, or to grasp at whispers of scandal and reports of suspected pregnan-
cies among spinsters, or of adulterous liaisons and wife-beating. It was by the
kirk, too, that information was gleaned about charming and suspected cases
of witchcraft, even if further enquiry and punishment required the interven-
tion of civil magistrates and lairds.
At various points during their lifetimes,
most people came face-to-face with their fastidious parish governors: to
ask for marriage banns to be proclaimed; and to request that their bairns
be baptised. Even in death, to be buried in the parish mortcloth – deemed
essential by believers – required the sanction of the session. Others would
appear to complain about their neighbours’ behaviour, or as witnesses for
and against in cases before the kirk court. But the sacrament of communion
– the poet Robert Burns’ ‘holy fair’ – was the contact point each year which
mattered most to individuals, and was a precondition of social acceptability.
Conscientious ministers tried to visit their fl ocks in person at least as often as
once a year, in part to examine their worthiness to receive the sacrament.
Those suspected of breaches of godly discipline were summonsed to
appear before the elders, quizzed relentlessly, pressed to acknowledge
their sin and demonstrate a willingness to repent. Failure to appear could
instigate action by the justices of the peace.
Breaches included failing to
attend church – or worse, working or drinking during the time of sermon
(even ‘standing idle’ could bring a reprimand). Also likely to bring down the
wrath of the kirk were activities like dancing ‘promiscuously’, or engaging in
a range of sexual misbehaviours, including what the Englishman, Edmund
Burt, thought the ‘extraordinary’ offence of ‘antenuptial fornication’. This
was detected months after the event by checking a new-born child’s date of
birth against the parents’ wedding date. In sexual matters and even ostensi-
bly innocent relations between the sexes, like touching, let alone kissing in
public (both activities coming under the heading of scandalous carriage), the
regime was unremittingly severe.
Women were demonised, their bodies
judged to be the locus of sin, a misogynous belief that restricted women,
especially unmarried domestic servants, in their mobility, employment,
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