directive also prohibited official support of "the doctrine that the Emperor of Japan is superior to
the heads of other states because of ancestry, descent or special origin." The directive banned,
somewhat to the surprise of the Japanese, use of the term Greater East Asia War , the standard
reference to Japan's wars from 1937, against China, through World War II. Thereafter, the
Japanese substituted the "Pacific War" or even the "Fifteen Years' War," beginning with the
Manchurian incident of 1931.[50]
The theological status of the emperor was clarified, at least for foreigners, by a revealing event
on New Year's Day of 1946. On that day the emperor issued a "declaration of humanity," or
ningen sengen , in which he declared that he was a human being. Possibly at the emperor's
initiative, he and his advisers had begun in late 1945 to consider ways of dispelling the
mythology and cult of the emperor.
In late November Harold Henderson of CIE suggested to a British acquaintance, R. H. Blyth, a
tutor to the crown prince, that it would be appropriate if the emperor would renounce his divinity
as American policy suggested. A few days later Blyth excitedly asked for suggestions about how
the emperor might do this. Somewhat reluctantly Henderson dashed off a short paragraph to the
effect that the ties between
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the emperor and the people were not based on myths or the mistaken idea that the emperor was
divine or that the Japanese people were superior to other races. Blyth took this paper back to the
imperial household but returned it the next day, asking that the paper be burned. This was done
on the spot. A day later Blyth returned with a longer text containing the Henderson paragraph.
This draft was given to recently promoted Brigadier General Dyke, who reportedly showed it to
MacArthur. Both men were said to be pleased.[51]
Prime Minister Shidehara and his aides revised the draft and translated it into English. Education
Minister Maeda reworked the Japanese version, not in the stilted language of court documents
but in the colloquial form requested by the emperor. The Tenno also asked that the
announcement include the famous charter oath issued in 1868 by Emperor Meiji, which declared
in vague and impressionistic phrasing that "all measures of government should be decided in
accordance with public opinion."[52] By the end of December the rescript was finished. Yoshida
sent an advance copy to MacArthur on December 30, and the rescript was issued the next day.
[53] Its key sentences, almost identical to the Henderson draft, provided that "the ties between us
and our people have always stood upon mutual trust and affection. They do not depend upon
mere legends and myths. They are not predicated on the false conception that the emperor is
divine and that the Japanese people are superior to other races and fated to rule the world."
General MacArthur issued a statement, which appeared on January 1, 1946, at the same time as
the rescript, saying the emperor's action "pleases me very much. By it he undertakes a leading
part in the democratization of his people." Although the general said in his memoirs that the
emperor's statement was made "without any suggestion or discussion" with him, MacArthur was
kept informed about the rescript and saw a copy before it was issued.[54]
It surprised Americans that the emperor's announcement did not create a big stir in the Japanese
press, which gave the announcement only routine play. One observer familiar with both societies
explained that the Japanese had never thought of emperors as divine, only as unusual and
elevated persons meriting special veneration.[55] The Japanese used the word kami (god) in
regard to many things, including emperors and natural phenomena (like kamikaze , or "divine
wind"), but the term had a broader and less theological meaning for Japanese than the word god
had for people in the West.