Washington as a special emissary at the time of Pearl Harbor. Yoshida started his note with a
sentence in English: "If the devil has a son, surely he is Tojo. "Tojo was no doubt the most
unpopular man in Japan at that point, and Yoshida was suspicious of most military men. Yoshida
sketched a hopeful blueprint. "The way we have accepted defeat is a performance without
parallel anywhere. Now we should apply all our efforts to rebuilding our empire. The cancer of
militarist policies must be cut out. Political activity must be reformed. Public morals [must be]
promoted. Our diplomacy will have to be totally recast." He then optimistically forecast, "The
business world will be improved not only by the advancement of science but also by inviting in
American capital." His final words were that he had been reading the English historian G. M.
Trevelyan and was filled with admiration for the way British leaders had rebuilt their nation in
the nineteenth century' after the loss of the American colonies and the long wars against
Organizing for the occupation was a major task for both Americans and Japanese in the month of
September. Running big military operations was one of the supreme commander's strong points.
General Dwight Eisenhower, who served under MacArthur in the Philippines for four years, said
later he was "deeply grateful for the administrative experience he gained under General
MacArthur," without which he did not believe he "would have been ready for the great
responsibilities of the war period."[19]
Along with organizing his staff, MacArthur felt it was essential to start disarming Japan's forces
and forestall any threat of dissidence. On October 4, 1945, in a meeting with Karl T. Compton,
president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MacArthur said that he wanted to
establish his control in Japan within thirty days, before armed guerrilla bands started operating in
the mountains. Although there had been a few reports of the existence of dissident groups,
MacArthur wanted to hold off taking actions that might be seriously disruptive—for example, a
purge of wartime leaders. He also rebuffed an invitation from Presi-
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dent Truman to return to Washington for a victory parade in his honor, citing the "extraordinarily
dangerous...situation" in Japan.[20]
SCAP had given the Japanese responsibility for demobilizing their armed forces. Huge amounts
of military materiel were destroyed, and military production facilities were set aside for
reparations to be awarded later to the Allied powers after they agreed on how war material
should be divided up. On October 16, 1945, MacArthur announced that Japan's armed forces
"are now completely abolished....Approximately seven million armed men...have laid down their
weapons. In the accomplishment of the extremely difficult and dangerous surrender in Japan,
unique in the annals of history, not a shot was necessary, not a drop of Allied blood was
shed."[21] Without doubt, the demobilization of all Japanese forces within two months of the
surrender was a remarkable feat and powerful evidence of Japan's desire to carry out the
surrender terms. Any threat of armed resistance had dissipated.
From the moment of surrender the occupation launched a barrage of orders to the government.
During the eighty months of its life, SCAP issued some six thousand SCAPINs, or SCAP
instructions, on an enormous range of matters, mostly small but on occasion monumental. Other
instructions—letters, memoranda, and verbal orders—were also issued. The stream never
stopped, but the early months produced the heaviest flow.
The general believed in clear and simple lines of control, leaving no one in doubt that he was the
boss. He would permit no American or Allied activities in Japan that he did not control. At the
outset, he set up two headquarters, one to control Japan (GHQ SCAP) and the other to command