MacArthur's main instructions from Washington in the economic area were to free the labor
movement, break up the big industrial and banking combinations, and leave it to the Japanese to
revive their economy. U.S. goals were not to try out social experiments but rather to broaden the
ownership of productive assets in agriculture and industry and widen the distribution of
economic benefits in the form of wages and consumer goods. To reach these goals SCAP
decided it would be necessary to break up the prewar system, which confined ownership of
enterprises to relatively few families and individuals, encouraged large industrial concentrations,
and opposed efforts by workers and farmers to organize for better treatment.
Some critics saw a contradiction in these policies. A leading British authority asserted,
"Whatever the political and social merits of those measures, they certainly made no contribution
to economic recovery. Most of them actually impeded it." A Japanese financial expert, Watanabe
Takeshi, was more trenchant: these policies were "reforms that New Dealers wanted to realize in
Japan but could not carry out in the United States." Conservative Japanese often grumbled about
the "New Dealers" in SCAP.[17]
In the field of labor, legislation enacted well before World War II recognized a role for labor
unions in dispute mediation; regulated the employment of women, children, and young workers;
and set up a limited system of insurance and pensions for some employees. Government
surveillance and interference in labor activities were frequent, as were disputes and violence. By
the mid-1930s trade union membership was at its prewar peak, about 420,000, a small part of the
labor force. In the late 1930s when government policy turned oppressive, left-wing unions were
banned and their leaders were jailed. A "labor front" organized at that time and controlled by the
government in effect destroyed the labor movement.[18]
Labor conditions right after the war were dreadful. Wages were abysmally low, with a wage base
in early 1946 of only ¥213 a month; foreign exchange values were not very meaningful in the
early period of the occupation, but this was probably the equivalent of a little less than $10. The
labor movement started slowly, with only six unions consisting of 3,800 members formed by the
fall of 1945. But the movement
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soon took on momentum and responded more powerfully to the stimulus of reform than did any
other group in Japan.[19] Early SCAP actions dissolved the government's wartime front
organizations, banned the use of prison labor in projects competitive with the regular labor force,
and tried to curb the labor-boss system, by which bosses recruited gangs of workers and
extracted a substantial part of the laborers' pay for their own pockets.
Not long after the surrender labor troubles began. Korean and Taiwanese coal miners fled from
their enforced servitude, causing coal production to plummet. The three big Tokyo newspapers
became a battleground, with militant liberals trying to eject senior editors and managers accused
of having actively supported the war effort. Asahi and Mainichi eliminated the nationalists
without strife, but the struggle at Yomiuri went on for months in 1945 and 1946 before a
settlement was finally reached. The Yomiuri battle was an early instance of "production control,"
an unusual Japanese phenomenon whereby the workers took over and operated a factory or
business and then, after settlement had been reached, turned over the operation and any profits to
management. Similar struggles took place at Toshiba Electric and Japan Steel Tube Company.
Between January and June 1946, 255 such incidents involving 157,000 workers occurred. The
government considered these takeovers illegal, and the Supreme Court of Japan eventually
agreed. SCAP experts asserted that legality depended on the specific circumstances. Production
control bore some resemblance to a revolutionary takeover of the means of production, but one