27. RLED, Apr. 25, 1948; YM , 177. [BACK]
28. DS staff study, ''Status and Treatment of Koreans in Japan," Aug. 15, 1949, MMA, RG 84,
Box 2291; SD , Aug. 8, 1949. [BACK]
29. Yoshida undated ltr. to MacArthur, MMA RG 5, Box 3, Folder 2; Sebald memo to
MacArthur, Sept. 9, 1949, MMA, RG 5, Box 3, Folder 2; FRUS, 1951 , vol. 6, no. 1, 1007-1008.
30. Robert Ricketts, who has carefully studied the status of Koreans in Japan, has provided the
author with useful information and documents. [BACK]
1. Kennan, Memoirs , 395. [BACK]
Chapter 17 The Search for Peace
1. Byrnes, Speaking Frankly , 173, 214; FRUS, 1946 , vol. 8, 152-155; Bor-ton, "The Allied
Occupation," 421; FRUS, 1947 , vol. 6, 473-474, 491-492, 509-511. Burma and Pakistan became
members of the FEC in November 1949, raising its membership to thirteen ( FRUS, 1949 , vol.
6, 900-901). [BACK]
2. Draft peace treaty, Aug. 5, 1947, State Department file 740.0011 (PW Peace) 8-647, NRAW;
draft peace treaty, Jan. 8, 1948, State Department FE file (peace treaty), NRAW; FRUS, 1948 ,
vol. 6, 656-660; Dunn, Peace-Making , 70. [BACK]
3. FRUS, 1947 , vol. 6, 454-456, 512-515. [BACK]
4. Nishimura, "Kowa joyaku," 217; J. Williams, Japan's Political Revolution , 248 - 250;
Nishimura, Sanfuranshisuko heiwa , 32-34, 43; KJ , vol. 3, 25-26, 35. Ashida also gave the
memo to several other foreign representatives, including Macmahon Ball, the Australian
representative on the Allied Council. See also World Report , Dec. 11, 1947; Yomiuri shimbun ,
Dec. 11, 1947, 1, based on Associated Press despatch from Washington of Dec. 5, 1947; POLAD
airgram A-130, Dec. 9, 1947, NRAW, State Dept file 500, Jap treaty; Nishi-mura,
Sanfuranshisuko heiwa , 45-47, lists the thirty-six documents prepared by the Foreign Office.
5. In 1949 a German "basic law" or constitution came into effect in the three western zones, and
an occupation statute was agreed upon by the three Western Allies and the German government
to govern their relations (Gimbel, The American Occupation , 253-257). C. J. Friedrich of
Harvard University played a key role in advising German leaders regarding the drafting of the
German constitution (Wolfe [ed.], Americans as Proconsuls , 110). [BACK]
6. Acheson, Present at the Creation , 338. [BACK]
7. FRUS, 1949 , vol. 7, 877-878; draft peace treaty, Oct. 13, 1949, DOS file 740.0011 (PW
peace) 10-1449, NRAW; Dunn, Peace-Making , 83-86. [BACK]
8. Butterworth ltr. to Sebald, Nov. 4, 1949, NRAW, dipl. file 320.1, RG 84, Box 2292; Dunn,
Peace-Making , 85-86. [BACK]
9. Dunn, Peace-Making , 648-649; Sebald desp. to DOS, "Secretary of the Army's Off-the-
Record Press Conference," Feb. 15, 1949, NRAW, DOS file, RG 59, 740.00119 Japan, 2-1549;