On September 2, two days after MacArthur's arrival, the occupation of Japan formally began
with the surrender ceremony on the battleship Missouri . In that interval the general was busy
working out Allied surrender arrangements, drafting the two speeches he was to give (one at the
ceremony and the other to the people back home) and, most difficult of all, trying to coordinate
Allied plans for the surrender of Japanese forces in China, Southeast Asia, and the western
Pacific.[17] His office was in the cavernous customs building in Yokohama, which was one of
the few big structures in the area to survive the air raids in fairly good shape.
The arrangements for the surrender had given both sides some trouble. The victorious Allies had
difficulty in deciding which of them should sign the surrender papers, finally agreeing that
representatives of the Big Four—the United States, China, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet
Union—should sign first, followed by representatives from five other Allies. The U.S. Army and
Navy had to work out some service differences over which should have the bigger role, senior
navy officials believing, not without reason, that the navy had done more to bring about the
defeat of Japan than the army had. But since General of the Army Douglas MacArthur had been
designated supreme commander for the Allied powers to accept the surrender and carry out its
terms, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, the navy's top commander in the Pacific, was given the
honor of signing as the representative of the United States of America. The navy got the bonus of
a decision by President Truman that the event should take place on a U.S. battleship named after
his home state and christened by his daughter. The rivalry did not end there, however, because
even as the main American units started to land in Japan on the morning of August 30, reports
from Yokosuka circulated that navy landing boats were "full of admirals trying to get ashore
ahead of MacArthur."[18]
Japan had a more acute problem: no one wanted to sign a "surrender" document. The United
States had abandoned its first plan—that the emperor sign—and had accepted a British
suggestion that his authorized representatives would be good enough. It then became necessary
for two Japanese to sign—one for the government and the other for the military command—to
conform with Japan's constitutional division between civilian and military authority. Prime
Minister Higashikuni was ruled out because he was a relative of the emperor. The army chief of
staff, General Umezu Yoshijiro, threatened to kill himself if he were pressed to sign. The one
senior official willing to accept this onus was
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the minister of foreign affairs, Shigemitsu Mamoru, who appeared genuinely to believe that
surrender was good for the nation and would give it a chance to start over on a wiser course.[19]
Under pressure from the throne, Umezu gave in and agreed to sign for the imperial general staff.
He and Shigemitsu were accompanied on the Missouri by a group of nine officers and diplomats.
The surrender ceremony was the most photogenic event of the occupation. It was not the
dramatic scene John Trumbull portrayed of Washington receiving the British surrender at
Yorktown. No band played "A World Turned Upside Down," although this would have been
even more fitting for the Japanese in 1945 than it had been for the British in 1781. But the
Missouri did have one outstanding historical touch: mounted on a huge bulkhead for all to see
was the Stars and Stripes (bearing thirty-one stars) flown by Commodore Matthew C. Perry
when his "black ships" entered Edo Bay in 1853 to force the opening of Japan to the outside
world. And the American flag that had flown over the U.S. capitol on December 7, 1941, the day
Pearl Harbor was bombed, flew over the Missouri .
The ceremony began at 9A.M. on September 2. The Japanese delegation had come aboard the
Missouri a few minutes before. Several hundred Allied officers were waiting along with
reporters and photographers, including some Japanese. The U.S. officers, without ties or