290 Chapter 16 Composite Surfaces
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Figure 16.5 Bringing a bicubic B-spline surface into piecewise bicubic Bezier form: we first perform
B-spline-Bezier curve conversion row by row, then column by column.
6.5 IWist Estimation
Suppose that we are given a rectangular network of points x/y; 0 < I < M, 0 <
J <N and two sets of parameter values uj and Vj, We want a C^ piecewise cubic
surface x(w, v) that interpolates to the data points:
x(Ui, Vj) = Xjj.
For a solution, we use curve methods wherever possible. We will first fit
piecewise cubics to all rows and columns of data points using methods that were
developed in Chapter 9. We must keep in mind, however, that all curves in the
^/-direction have the same parametrization, given by the
the i/-curves are all
defined over the Vj.
Creating a network of C^ (or C^) piecewise cubics through the data points
is only the first step toward a surface, however. Our aim is a C^ piecewise
bicubic surface, and so far we have constructed only the boundary curves for
each patch. This constitutes 12 data out of the 16 needed for each patch. Figure
16.6 illustrates the situation. In Bezier form, we are still missing four interior
Bezier points per patch, namely, b^, b2i, bi25b22; in terms of derivatives, we
must still determine the corner twists of each patch; for a definition, see Section
We now list a few methods to determine the missing twists.
Zero twists: Historically, this is the first twist estimation "method." It appears,
hidden in a set of formulas in pseudocode, in the paper by Ferguson
Ferguson did not comment on the effects that this choice of twist vectors might
surfaces exist that have identically vanishing twists—these are trans-
lational surfaces (see Figure 15.6). If the boundary curves of a patch are pairwise