15.7 Finding Parameter Values 281
to solve a linear system with 16 equations in 16 unknowns. A note of caution: if
the number of data points is very large (10^ or more), then the normal equations
become ill-conditioned and the least squares problem may not be solvable.
15.7 Finding Parameter Values
In a practical setting, we would not typically be given the parameter values
u^ = i'^h ^k)- Finding good values for the u^ is not an easy problem.
But often, the data points can be projected into a plane; let us assume they
can be projected into the x,
for simplicity. Each p^ is projected by simply
dropping its ;^-coordinate, leaving a pair (x^, y^). We scale the (x^, y^) so that
they fit into the unit square. Then we can simply set
and Vk^Jk-
Another solution may be obtained by using a triangulation of the data points.
This scenario is realistic for data obtained using a laser digitizer. Assuming
that the triangulation is isomorphic to the unit square, we can construct a
triangulation in the unit square with the same connectivity as the given one
in 3D.
The following method is due to Floater
First, a convex polygon is built
in the (^, v) unit square with as many vertices as the 3D mesh has boundary
vertices. This polygon is somewhat arbitray; a circle or the boundary of the unit
square is a good candidate for forming it. In this way, we assign 2D parameters
to the 3D mesh boundary points.
Next, consider any interior point u^ of the 2D mesh with
neighbors. We call
these neighbors u^ i,. . .,
u^ „
. For a "nice" triangulation, the following condition
should be satisfied: all interior
may be expressed as^
1 "^
We now observe that there are as many equations (15.19) as there are interior
points in the mesh. Some of these equations involve boundary points, others will
not. Thus we have a linear system for the interior u^, with as many equations as
there are interior points. It is always solvable.
2 Triangulations with this property are the result of
smoothing of a mesh.