262 Chapter 14 Tensor Product Patches
c - boo - "10
= "20 = D30
Figure 14.11 Degenerate
a "triangular" patch is created by collapsing a whole boundary curve
into a point. The normal at that point may be undefined. Normals are shown for
= 0
and for u=l.
In the first of these, a whole boundary curve is collapsed into a single point. As
an example, we could set boo = b^o =
• • •
= b^o = c- Then the boundary b(w, 0)
v^ould degenerate into a single point. In such cases, the normal vector at i/ = 0
may or may not be defined. To examine this in more detail, consider the tangents
of the isoparametric lines u = u^ evaluated at v = 0, These tangents must be
perpendicular to the normal vector, if it exists. So a condition for the existence
of the normal vector at c is that all z/-partials, evaluated at f = 0, are coplanar.
But that is equivalent to boi,
b^i and c being coplanar.
A second possibility in creating degenerate patches is to allov^ tw^o corner
partials to be coUinear, for example, d/du and d/dv at (0,0), as shov^n in Figure
In that case, b^o^boi, and boo ^^^ coUinear. Then the normal at boo is
defined, provided that b^^ is not coUinear v^^ith bio?boi, and boo- Recall that
boo?bio?boi, and b^ form the osculating paraboloid at {u, v) = (0, 0). Then it
follow^s that the tangent plane at
is the plane through the four coplanar points
bio? boi? and b^. The normal at boo is perpendicular to it.
A warning: when we say "the normal is defined," it should be understood that
this is a purely mathematical statement. In any of the preceding degeneracies,
a program using (14.17) will crash. A case distinction is necessary, and then