varying amounts of contaminants such as sulphur, nitrogen and metals
particularly in the higher boiling fractions. These differences in feed com-
position and in contaminants affect the operating conditions required to
obtain desired yields. To protect the catalyst, feed pre-treatment by hydro-
treating is required in order to remove contaminants and improve cracking
characteristics and yields.
Gas oil from residue and conversion processes (predominantly coking)
can be fed to catalytic cracking units. They must be hydrotreated before
catalytic cracking to separate aromatics and remove sulphur. The principal
limitation on charge stocks are the Conradson Carbon Residue (CCR) and
metal contaminants. The effect of Conradson carbon is to form a deposit on
the catalyst. This deposit could be beyond the burning capacity in the
regenerator. For atmospheric residue, it is desulphurised first in the
ARDS unit. Vacuum residue must also desulphurised and may be deas-
phalted before used in the FCC. Special RFCCs are designed to handle such
heavy feeds.
The presence of organometalic compounds tends to deposit metals in
the desulphurisation process; therefore a guard reactor should be used.
Nitrogen tends to poison the catalyst by neutralising its acid sites. However,
the FCC process is unaffected if the nitrogen content level is controlled
below 0.2%. Some possible feedstocks are atmospheric distillates, coking
distillates, visbreaking distillates, VGO, atmospheric residue (desulphurised)
and vacuum residue (desulphurised, deasphalted). Typical feedstock proper-
ties are given in Table 8.1. In addition, products with their corresponding
yields and characteristics are shown in Table 8.2.
Table 8.1 Feedstock properties of FCC unit (Tominaga and Tameki, 1997)
vacuum gas oil
Specific gravity (15/4
C) 0.896 0.889
API 26.3 27.5
Gas oil fraction (GO), wt% (boiling point
< 343
VGO fraction (VGO), wt% (boiling point
88.5 52.5
Vacuum residue fraction (VR), wt%
(boiling point > 538
4.5 43.5
Conradson Carbon Residue (CCR), wt% 0.2 4.2
Sulphur, wt% 0.4 0.11
Nitrogen, wt% 0.064 0.19
Nickel (Ni), wppm 0.26 17
Vanadium (V), wppm 0.15 0.5
Fluidised Catalytic Cracking 201