Note: Page numbers followed by ‘‘f ’’ and ‘‘t ’’ indicate figures and tables, respectively.
Acid gas, 377–402
carbonate, 388–389, 389f
chemical solvent, 379–392
direct oxidation, 397f
MEA process, 379
membrane, 392
MEROX, 397, 400
Morphysorb, 391–392, 391f
physical solvent, 389–392
removal, 377–402
Selexol, 390–391
tail gas clean up (TGCU), 397
Air pollution models, 437–438
gas dispersion, 437–438
Alkylation, 263–284
acid strength, 273
Alkyclean, 268–269
catalysts, 263–264, 267–268
hydrofluoric acid, 267
kinetics, 269–275
material balance, 277–279, 279t
olefin type, 272
operating conditions, 272–275
performance, 275–277
processes, 263–269, 275–277, 279–282
products, 268–269, 272
reactions, 268–269, 270–272, 277
solid catalyst, 267–268
sulphuric acid, 263–266, 271–272
UNISIM, 279–282
yields, 275, 276, 278
Aniline point, 25–26, 245
API gravity, 24–25, 35
Aquaconversion, 348–353, 352t
ARDS, 169, 170t, 176
ASTM distillation, 24, 35, 36–40
Atmospheric distillation, 69, 70f, 81–82
Aviation turbine kerosene (ATK), 1, 192–194
Blending, 237–262
aniline point, 245
cloud point, 244
flash point, 240–242
octane number, 248–253
pour point, 242–243
reid vapour pressure, 238–240
smoke point, 26, 30t, 246
specific gravity, 246–247
viscosity, 247–248
Boiling points, 23–24, 83t
distillation fraction, 36
IBP, 36
EBP, 36
NBP, 36
Butane, 263
iso-, 263
normal, 21
butene, 269
butylenes (see butene)
Carbon residue, 28
conradson carbon, 28, 201
Cash flow diagram, 410, 412f
Catalytic cracking, 199–236
Catalytic reforming, 95–122
CCR platforming, 106–107f
correlation, 106, 108t
operating conditions, 108t,
semi regenerative, 102, 103f
UNISIM, 112–118
Cetane, 26, 30t
Claus process, 393–397
catalysts, 395
direct oxidation, 397f
Clean Fuels, 303–324
biological, 317–322
deep desulphurization, 305–310
deep non hydrodesulphurization, 310–313
natural gas, 313
production, 305
specifications, 303–305
synthesis gas, 315–317
Coke, 123–125
Electrode, 137, 138t
Fuel, 137, 142
Shot, 137