where ¼ D=D
is out-of-roundness. D ¼ oD
. Values
used are those for the pipe as received or when first installed.
For profile wall pipes then an equivalent solid wall thickness is
required for use in the equations for buckling pressure.
Above-ground mains subject to internal vacuum, or pipes subject to
external water pressure, must be designed to withstand the differential
pressure by their own stiffness. Tests on PE pipe under hydrostatic
loading show deformation to proceed progressively until at about 10%
deflection when the rate of deformation increases and can lead to
total collapse ( Jenkins and Krolle, 1981). This 10% deformation has
been taken as the point of failure. This study also showed strong support
for the Gaube et al. form of correction factor c
as in equation (22.13c).
22.6 Long-term buckling pressures — constrained pipelines
Where pipes were buried in compacted soil or gravel, the collapse
resistance was increased. Performance of flexible pipe is determined
as much by the quality and density of compaction of the soil around
the pipe as by the properties of the pipe itself. If the buried flexible
pipe is subject to internal vacuum, soil will resist the collapse. The
mechanism of buckling will be an increase in any initial deformation
of the pipe. The amount of support provided by the soil could be
calculated approximately by mathematical methods and corresponding
formulae have been proposed. For polyethylene pipes at temperatures
below 278C (808F), the chance of a pipe failure due to internal
vacuum is virtually impossible in adequately compacted soil surround-
Where the pipeline is laid in a trench and backfilled, the deformed
shape of pipe may be significantly influenced by the nature of the back-
fill and bedding material and on the manner of placement. When the
pipe is buried and able to take advantage of support from surrounding
soil or grout media then the pipe should resist a differential pressure
greater than that given by equation (22.11).
Allman (1975) offered an expression for buckling pressure in
constrained soil which has often been used in the absence of other data:
¼ 0:67
where p
is the buckling pressure in constrained soil, p
is the un-
constrained buckling pressure from equation (22.11) including any
reduction for the deformed shape, and E
is the tangent modulus of
the soil ¼
er, e being Spangler’s (1941) modulus of passive soil
Pressure transients in water engineering