Глава 6
1. Bramante
Pillen G. and Simpson D. CFO Survey: Current State and Future
Direction, IBM Business Consulting Services, 2003, p. 11.
2. Durfee D. It's Better (and Worse) Than You Think, CFO Magazine, May 3,
2004, www.cfo.com/printable/article.cfm/3013527
3. Enterprise Governance—Getting the Balance Right, IFAC report, 2003.
4. Loomis C. J. The 15 % Delusion, Fortune, February 5,2001, p. 48-53.
5. Там же.
6. Там же.
7. Loomis С.
Citigroup's CEO Chuck Prince Talks with Carol Loomis About
Scandals, Profits, and the Company's Stock, Fortune, November 29,2004, p. 45-51.
8. Hilzenrath D. S. and Johnson C. SEC Tells Fannie Mae to Restate Earnings,
Washington Post, December 16,2004, A1 and A13.
9. One-Third of Publicly-Traded Companies Do Not Accurately Portray Their
True Financial Condition, Businesswire, June 18,2004.
10. Collins
Good to Great, Fast Company (October 2001): 90-104.
11. Gates B. What I Learned from Warren Buffett, Harvard Business Review
(January-February 1996): 148-153.
12. Mintzberg H. Musings on Management, Harvard Business Review (July-
August 1998): 61 -'67."
13. Deming W. E. Out of the Crisis, 26
edition (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
1998), p. 98.
14. LeibsS. New Terrain, CFO Magazine, February 2004, www.cfo.com/
15. Simons R. Control in an Age of Empowerment, Harvard Business Review
(March-April 1995), p. 80-88.
16. Leibs S. New Terrain.
17. Simons R. How Risky Is Your Company? Harvard Business Review (May-
June 1999): 85-94.
18. Loomis K. The 15 % Delusion.
19. Там же.
20. Calabro L. Above Board, CFO Magazine, October 1,2003:43-46.
21. Caulkin S. Keep It Simple — Not Stupid, Observer, February 27, 2003,
p. 8.
22. Mang R
Richter A., Day
D. and Roberts
Has Pay for Performance Had
Its Day? McKinsey Quarterly 21, № 4 (Fall 2002), http://www.mckinseyquarterly.
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23. Burgess K. and Cohen N. Sainsbury Investors Urged to Vote Against
Directors' Pay, Financial Times, July 6, 2005, p. 44.