2. Caulkin S. Business Schools for Scandal, Observer, March 28, 2004,
Management Section, p. 9.
3. ResnickM. Changing the Centralized Mind, Technology Review, July 1994,
4. Levitt T. Marketing Myopia, Harvard Business Review Business Classics:
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5. Biederman H. W. Letter to the editor, Financial Times, April 7,2001, p. 10.
6. Seddon
Freedom from Command 8c Control: A Better Way to Make the
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7. Freiberg K. and Freiberg
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8. Porter M. E. Creating Tomorrow's Advantages, in Rethinking the Future:
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9. Там же.
10. Parke
Interview with author, January 25, 2005.
11. Адаптация модели Деминга. Деминг говорил о производственной
системе, или субсистеме, тогда как мы говорим о системе бизнес-плани-
рования. Например, когда Деминг употреблял слово «план», он имел в
виду идею по улучшению системы; проверка означала «проверку того,
работает ли идея», «делать» означало «внедрять», а «действия» — запу-
стить. См. Deming Е. Out of the Crisis, 26th edition (Cambridge, MA: MIT
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12. Bogoievski M. Interview with author, February 5, 2005.
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14. Lever K. Interview with author, February 11, 2005.
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16. Bogoievski M. Interview.
17. BBRT case study on Tomkins.
18. Warner
Chief Executives Can't Win at the Numbers Game, Financial
Times, June 13,2005, p. 12.
19. Finder С. C. Work Motivation in Organizational Behavior (Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998).
20. Warner
Chief Executives Can't Win at the Numbers Game.
21. Morlidge S. Interview with author, January 26, 2005.
22. Morlidge S. Dynamic Performance Management, program designed for
MTP and Unilever 2004, p. 99.
23. Pfeffer
Six Dangerous Myths About Pay, Harvard Business Review (May-
June 1998), p. 109-119.