`06308 Hafiz, tr. Streit, 80.
`06309 In Gottheil, ed, Literature of Persia, I, 408.
`063010 Hafiz, tr. Streit, stanzas 10, 11, 19, 21, 49.
`063011 Bell, G. L., Poems from the Divan of Hafiz, xxiii.
`063012 Ouseley, G., Biographical Notices of Persian Poets, 23 f.
`063013 In Grousset, R., Civilizations of the East, I, 338-9.
`063014 Hafiz, tr. Streit, 65.
`063015 Ibid., stanza 38.
`063016 Bell, stanza xliii.
`063017 Clavijo, 181.
`063018 Ibid., 137.
`063019 Browne, III, 185. Some assign Timur's lameness to a later
period; so Clavijo, 210, and Sykes, P., History of Persia, II, 121.
`063020 Timur, Mulfuzat, v. 26.
`063021 Browne, III, 186.
`063022 Ibid., 178; Lamb, 150.
`063023 Browne, III, 189.
`063024 Ibid., 190.
`063025 Clavijo, 132.
`063026 Ibid., 151, 278.
`063027 Ibid., 249.
`063028 Pope, A. U., Masterpieces of Persian Art; 149.
`063029 Dawlatshah in Browne, III, 501.
`063030 Ibn Khaldun, Les Prolegomenes, I, p. lxxii.
`063031 Lane-Poole, S., Cairo, 50.
`063032 Gibbons, H. A., Foundation of the Ottoman Empire, 150.
`063033 Froissart, J., Chronicles, iv, 90.
`063034 Lane-Poole, S., Story of Turkey, 97.
`063035 Cambridge Modern History, IV, 705.
`063036 Vambery, A., Story of Hungary, 282.
`063037 Gibb, E. J., Ottoman Literature, 3.
`063038 Ibid., 209 f.
`063039 Browne, III, 455.
`063040 Jami, Mulla Nuru' d-Din, tr. E. Fitzgerald, 69.
`063041 Pope, Masterpieces, 146.
`063042 Davis, F. H., Persian Mystics: Jami, 71.
`063043 Clavijo, 153.