`060514 Green, J. R., Short History of the English People, II,
568; Mrs. Green, Town Life, II, 70.
`060515 Camb. Med. Hy, VIII, 441-2.
`060516 Ibid.
`060517 Holinshed, iii, 632.
`060518 Ibid., 636.
`060519 Coulton, Social Life, 37.
`060520 Lounsbury, II, 346; Wright, Homes of Other Days, 429.
`060521 Paston Letters, I, 70.
`060522 Holinshed, iii, 508.
`060523 Cf. Percy's Reliques, II, 88 f.
`060524 Salzman, 230.
`060525 Mrs. Green, Town Life, I, 212-5; Coulton, Chaucer, 200.
`060526 Camb. Med. Hy, VIII, 365.
`060527 In Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 304.
`060528 Sarton, III-1, 158.
`060529 Wright, Homes, 379.
`060530 Hammerton, Universal History, VI, 3443.
`060531 Hearnshaw, Social and Political Ideas of... the
Renaissance and the Reformation, 75.
`060532 Chaucer, Parson's Tale, lines 415-30.
`060533 Stubbs, III, 288.
`060534 Hearnshaw, op. cit., 82.
`060535 Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 126.
`060536 Id., Black Death, 112.
`060537 Catholic Encyclopedia, X, 334; Sarton III-2, 1046;
Trevelyan, England in the Age of Wycliffe, 179, 317, 321, 327.
`060538 Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 490.
`060539 Trevelyan, Wycliffe, 334.
`060540 Shakespeare, 2 Henry IV, Epilogue.
`060541 Cath. Encyc., X, 335.
`060542 Trevelyan, Wycliffe, 347-9.
`060543 In Sellery, Renaissance, 207.
`060544 Jusserand, English Wayfaring, 192.
`060545 Mantle, Burns, and Gassner, A Treasury of the Theater, 1345.
`060546 Putnam, G. H., Books and Their Makers during the Middle
Ages, II, 104.