Abrasive Erosion and Corrosion of Hydraulic Machinery
7.2.3 Cathodic Protection
The Pourbaix diagram in Figure 7.8 presents the possibility that iron at a
potential of -0.5V in an electrolyte of pH4 with an iron ion concentration of
mol/1 at a temperature of 25°C is likely to be corroded, but it does not
tell us its corrosion rate. On the other hand, it does tell us that we can stop the
iron corrosion by lowering the potential below -0.62V. Then, the iron
becomes immunity and corrosion will cease. Figure 7.11 shows an
arrangement for lowering the potential of the test specimen while measuring
it, and Figure 7.12 shows the relationship between the current and potential
during the operation. In Figure 7.11, for measuring the potential of the test
specimen, a saturated colonel reference electrode is used rather than hydrogen
one because it is easier to handle. This electrode shows +0.24V at 25°C
(assuming the hydrogen electrode as the zero standard). In order to lower the
potential of the test specimen, an external current is applied to the test
specimen from the counter electrode made of inert material such as platinum
or graphite carbon. Before being supplied with current, the test specimen is
undergoing natural corrosion at a potential of
and with the corrosion
current of
On supplying the current to the test specimen, it flows in the
opposite direction of
anodic current which is due to the dissolving of iron,
and in the same direction as the cathodic current which is due to the reduction
Therefore, the external current supplied from the counter electrode
(through the electrolyte) to the test specimen decreases the anodic current and
increases the cathodic current. These changes in the currents at the cathode
and anode both lower the electrode potentials. Figure 7.12 indicates the
followings: when external current i
is applied, the cathodic current increases
to i
i, anodic current decreases from
to /'„;. The potential lowers
itself from E
to E
external current is increased further the potential
of the test specimen is lowered further to reach E
which is the equilibrium
potential of anode. At this point the anodic current drops to zero and
corrosion stops. This is the principle of cathodic protection.
When we express the external current using the same axis as is used for
the cathodic or anodic currents, we obtain Figure 7.13. In this figure, an
external anodic current is also shown. The thick lines are external polarization
curves. As the horizontal axis is scaled in logarithms, the external polarization
curve almost coincides with the inner polarization curve (represented by the
thin line) when the current exceeds the
The slopes of these curves are