1312 Part G Applications
Also, the cross section for photoejection of an electron
bound by any screened Coulomb potential must vanish
at threshold – in marked contrast to the nonzero pho-
toionization cross sections of isolated atoms and ions.
Since the oscillator strength sum rule still holds, any
diminution of the total bound-bound oscillator strength
must be offset by an increase in the bound-free contribu-
tion; continuum lowering partly accounts for this latter
Spectroscopic observations of the reduction of decay
rates by plasma screening have been reported [86.69].
But, the plasma densities evidently were too low for this
effect to clearly manifest itself, and alternative expla-
nations have since been given [86.70, 71]. In addition,
there is the more fundamental question of whether static
screening models are even appropriate for the descrip-
tion of radiative processes. As discussed below, this
issue also arises in connection with inelastic collision
processes in dense plasmas.
Several large-scale computer codes are in wide
use to calculate the opacity of hot, dense matter (in
LTE ). Among these, we note the code HOPE [86.62],
which is based on the average atom model; the code
LEDCOP [86.72], which uses accurate (Hartree–Fock)
atomic term data; and the code OPAL [86.73], which
uses detailed configuration accounting and parametric,
(static) screened potentials to compute wave functions
and energy levels. Also, there are some published
results from the new code IDEFIX [86.74], which
is based on a non-spherical (di-center) screened po-
tential arising from the radiating ion and its nearest
neighbor. When making comparisons among these
models, it should be realized that the codes use
quite different line-broadening and continuum lowering
86.3.2 Collisional Transitions
Various screened Coulomb interactions also can be
used to study plasma effects on inelastic scattering.
References [86.31, 75] and citations therein use either
Debye or ion-sphere potentials, and Born, distorted-
wave, or close coupling approximations, to investigate
excitation processes in plasmas; however, bound states
were left unperturbed. More elaborate static potentials
and perturbed bound states were treated by Davis and
Blaha [86.76, 77], but they did not self-consistently
screen the interaction between projectile and target. For
excitations involving a small transition energy ∆ E, Ki-
tamura [86.78] has recently published a self-consistent
treatment of both (1) the quasi-static perturbations of
the target ion by the microfield, and (2) the dynamically
screened electron-target interaction.
The use of static screening models is invalid when
because the collision duration is too short
for any average description of the plasma’s screening
to apply. In such cases, ionization being a particular
example, one must consider the response of the target to
electrodynamic disturbances [86.79]. Reference [86.80]
gives a thorough discussion of this issue, and presents
numerical examples of the effects of projectile and target
screening in ionizing collisions.
Bremsstrahlung is another important plasma colli-
sion process for which static screening models have
been extensively used [86.81–83]. Unfortunately, most
bremsstrahlung radiation emanating from hot plasmas
represents free–free transitions in which ∆E
(lower frequency emission being attenuated), and in
these situations static screening models are suspect. In
contrast, the formation of laser plasmas occurs mainly
through inverse bremsstrahlung (free–free absorption)
under conditions such that ∆ E =
static screening models relevant here.
More sophisticated treatments of bremsstrahlung in
dense plasmas [86.84–86] include one or more of the fol-
lowing: strong coupling effects among the plasma ions
(introduced via radial distribution functions [86.22]),
dynamic screening effects involving the electrons (in-
troduced via frequency-dependent dielectric response
functions [86.18]), possible degeneracy effects (in-
troduced via Fermi–Dirac distribution functions for
occupation probabilities of initial and final states), and
only partial screening of the nuclear charge by the tar-
get ion’s bound electrons (introduced via a form factor
for the target (Chapt. 56)). Calculations for plasmas with
moderate coupling parameters (Γ ≤ few) reveal that the
first three of these effects tend to reduce free-free emis-
sion and absorption rates, while the last effect tends to
enhance the rates. At larger Γ -values, strong ion-ion
coupling tends to drive these rates back up [86.87].
Advances in simulation capability (which we discuss
next) are yielding ever more realistic descriptions of the
dense plasma environment, but what is proving difficult
to improve upon is the ubiquitous use of the Born ap-
proximation to treat all electron-ion scattering events
(see, however, Berkovsky and Kurilenkov [86.34]).
Strong collisions, i. e., those in which the photon en-
ω is comparable with the relative kinetic energy
of the collision, are particulary important for radiative
losses from plasmas, but these also are just the colli-
sions most likely to be poorly described by the Born
Part G 86.3