1248 Part G Applications
The only known atomic feature was the O i forbid-
den red doublet at 6300 and 6364 Å. From the radicals
and ions one could infer the presence of their progen-
itor “parent” molecules such as H
and CO
, directly vaporizing from the comet’s nucleus.
The metals, seen only in comets passing close to the
sun, were assumed to come from the vaporization of
refractory grains. The inventory of metals was soon
expanded to include K, Ca
, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Ni and
Cu, from observations of the sun-grazing comet Ikeya-
Seki (C/1965 S1) [83.9,10]andH
was identified in
comet Kohoutek (C/1973 E1). This latter comet was also
the first to be extensively studied at wavelengths both
shortward and longward of the visible spectral range.
The first parent molecule to be directly identified
was CO, which fluoresces in the Fourth Positive system
− X
in the VUV [83.11], although the in
situ neutral mass spectrometer measurements made of
Halley disclosed the presence of an extended, domi-
nant source of CO [83.12] whose origin is still being
debated [83.13]. Ideally, the molecular species should
be detectable through their radio and sub-mm rotational
transitions or through the detection of vibrational bands
or individual ro-vibrational lines in the near IR. Water
was first directly detected through ro-vibrational lines
near 2.7 µmincometHalleyandagainincometWilson
(C/1986 P1) [83.14, 15]. However, due to the low col-
umn densities of the other expected species, typically ≈1
or less than that of H
O, the direct detection of species
such as H
OH has only recently been
made possible by the development of more sensitive
instrumental techniques together with the fortuitous ap-
paritions of two bright comets, C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
and C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) in 1996 and 1997. To date,
more than two dozen parent molecules have been iden-
tified [83.16]. Isotope ratios, particularly the D/H ratio,
in molecules such as HDO have been determined from
sub-millimeter observations [83.17].
The ultimate result of solar photolysis (and to a lesser
degree, the interaction with the solar wind) is the re-
duction of all of the cometary volatiles to their atomic
constituents. The atomic inventory is somewhat easier
to derive as the resonance transitions of the cosmically
abundant elements H, O, C, N and S all lie in the VUV
and, in principle, the total content of these species in the
coma can be determined by an instrument with a suitably
large field of view. Of course, a fraction of the atomic
species of each element will be produced directly in ionic
form, and will not be counted using this approach. In ad-
dition, another fraction exists in the coma in the solid
grains, and this component will also not be included,
except for a small amount volatilized by evaporation
or sputtering by energetic particles. The composition of
the grains, though not the absolute abundance, has been
determined from in situ measurements made by the Hal-
ley encounter spacecraft [83.18], and can be inferred,
though not unambiguously, from reflection spectroscopy
of cometary dust in the 3–5 µm range.
The advent of space-borne platforms for obser-
vations in the VUV has produced a wealth of new
information about the volatile constituents of the coma.
The A
− X
Π(0, 0) band of the OH radical at
≈ 3085 Å was well known from ground-based spectro-
scopic observations, but as this wavelength lies very
close to the edge of the atmospheric transparency win-
dow, the strength of this feature (relative to that of
other species) was not appreciated until 1970 when
comet Bennett (C/1969 Y1) was observed from space by
the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAO-2). The
OAO-2 spectrum also showed a very strong, broadened
H i Ly-α emission from H, the other principal dissocia-
tion product of H
O. The broad shape of Ly-α seen in
the OAO-2 spectrum is due to the large spatial extent
of the atomic H envelope, the result of a high velocity
acquired in the photodissociation process and a long life-
time against ionization. Later, at the apparition of comet
Kohoutek (C/1973 E1), atomic O and C were identified
in the spectra and direct UV images of the H coma, as
well as of the O i and C i emissions, were obtained from
sounding rocket experiments. These experiments were
repeated for comet West (C/1975 V1) and led to the first
detection of CO [83.11].
Between 1978 and 1996, over 50 comets were
observed spectroscopically over the wavelength range
1200–3400 Å by the International Ultraviolet Explorer
(IUE) satellite observatory [83.19, 20]. Most of the
spectra were obtained at moderate resolution (∆λ =
6–10 Å), although high dispersion echelle spectra (∆λ
=0.2–0.3 Å) are useful for some studies, particu-
larly those of fluorescence equilibrium (Sect. 83.2.2).
For Halley alone, over 200 UV spectra were obtained
from September 1985 to July 1986. The launch of the
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in 1990, together with
subsequent enhancements to the spectroscopic instru-
mentation that were made on-orbit, marked another
advance in sensitivity as well as the ability to observe
in a small field-of-view very close to the nucleus. This
yielded the first detection of CO Cameron band emis-
sion, a direct measure of CO
being vaporized from
the nucleus [83.21]. For an overview of a cometary
spectrum, a composite spectrum of 103P/Hartley 2 span-
ning the region from H i Ly-α to 7000 Å taken with
Part G 83.1