226 8 Dressing via local Riemann–Hilbert problem
Finally, in the last section we briefly consider the well known Korteweg–de
Vries (KdV) equation. This consideration is based on the method which allows
a straightforward generalization to (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear equations and
8.1 RH problem and generation of new solutions
As indicated in previous chapters, the Lax representation [263] (or the zero-
curvature representation) is of primary importance for the integration of non-
linear equations. In the framework of the Lax representation, a system of two
linear matrix equa tions (sometimes these equation s are scalar ones)
= Uψ, ψ
= Vψ (8.1)
is associated with a given nonlinear equation. Here the matrices U(x, t, k)and
V (x, t, k) depend on a solution of the nonlinear equation and on a complex
spectral parameter k independent of the coor din ates (x, t). These matrices are
chosen in such a way that the compatibility condition [7]
− V
+[U, V ] = 0 (8.2)
resulting from the equality of mixed derivatives ψ
= ψ
and providing the
existence of a common solution for the system (8.1) would produce exactly the
nonlinear equation we are considering. The matrices U and V have noncoin-
ciding sets of poles (divisors) in some p oints of the extended complex k-plane
C = C ∪{∞}. In fact, they are the divisors that determine all the essential
features of the nonlinear equation with a given Lax representation.
Suppose we know some seed solution u
of the nonlinear equation (8.2).
On frequent occasions, trivial solutions like zero can serve as the seed solution.
We therefore know explicitly the matrices U
and V
which corresp ond to this
solution. As a result, we c an solve a system of linear equations
= U
E, E
= V
E (8.3)
for the matrix function E(x, t, k). Now we will demonstrate, following Za-
kharov and Shabat [475] (see also [148]), that there exists a possibility to
build a class of new solutions o f the nonlinear equation (8.2), this class being
parameterized by a closed oriented contour L on the extended plane
C and
by a nondegenerate bounded matrix function G
(k) defined on the contour.
For this purpose we introduce first a matrix function G(x, t, k),
G(x, t, k)=E(x, t, k)G
(x, t, k),k∈ L, (8.4)
where E(x, t, k) solves the system (8.3). Then we pose the RH problem [167]
for the matrix G(x, t, k)onthecontourL as
(x, t, k)Φ
(x, t, k)=G(x, t, k),k∈ L. (8.5)