xx Preface
to obtain multisolitons and other solutions of the three-level Maxwell–Bloch
equation [279]. A natural generalization of this construction consists in replac-
ing matrix elements by appropriate matrices. The most promising ap p li cations
of the technique are related to operator rings. Such an example was considered
in [267].
As regards the RH problem, its application to the study of spectral equa-
tions goes back to the 1975 pap er by Shabat [394], though Zakharov and
Shabat [473] in their classic paper used in fact a formalism closely related to
that of the RH problem. A status of the “keystone” of the soliton theory was
acquired by the RH problem as a result of the 1979 paper by Zakharov and
Shabat [475]. The next imp ortant step is associated with Manakov [305], who
put forward a concept of the nonlocal RH problem. This idea turned out to be
very profitable for integration of (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear equations (and
some integro-differential equations in 1+1 dimensions as well). In addition to
the results described in the aforementioned monographs, mention should be
made of more recent papers devoted to the application of the RH problem
to the soliton theory. This includes integration of equations associated with
more complica ted spectral problems than the ZS one (e.g., the modified Man-
akov equation [125] and the Ablowitz–Ladik equation [122, 185]). Results of
principal importance were obtained by Shchesnovich and Yang [400, 401], who
derived a novel class of solitons in 1+1 dimensions that corresponds to higher-
order zeros of the RH problem data. The soliton solutions associated with
multiple-pole eigenfunctions of the spectral problems for (2+1)-dimensional
nonlinear equations were obtained by Ablowitz and Villarroel [14, 439, 440].
The RH problem has been proved to be efficient for analysis of nearly inte-
grablesystemsaswellaswhensolitonsare subjected to smallperturbations.
The soliton perturbation theory has been elaborated on the basis of the RH
formalism in a number of papers [122, 123, 237, 398, 397, 399]. A connection
between the RH problem and the approximation theory and random matrix
ensembles is demonstrated in [113], where the steepest descent analysis for
the matrix RH problem was performed, and in [160], where the matrix RH
problem was associated with the problem of reconstructing orthogonal poly-
nomials. A closely related area of problems focuses on finding th e semiclassical
limit of the N-soliton solution for large N [302, 333].
As is known, solving the RH problem amounts to reconstructing a section-
ally meromorphic function from a given jump condition at some contour (or
contours) of the domains of meromorphy and discrete data given at the pre-
scribed singularities. Studying some nonlinear equations in 2+1 dimensions
reveals a situation when we cannot formulate the RH problem because of the
absence of domains of meromorphy. In other words, functions we work with are
nowhere meromorphic. Beals and Coifman [41] and Ablowitz et al. [1] invoked
a new tool for studying nonlinear equations, the
∂ problem, which amounts
to overcoming the difficulty with meromorphy. The
∂-dressing method consti-
tutes now a true foundation of the soliton theory. As the latest development
of the
∂-dressing formalism, a derivation of the quasiclassical limit of the