8.4 Superconductivity in Oxides 419
cannot be fermions because of the Pauli principle restriction that only one fermion
can occupy a state at one time. Supercurrents would therefore occur as bosons that
condense to form a superfluid (boson condensation). In the BCS theory, bosons are
formed from electron (Cooper) pairs with opposite spins in k-space mediated by
lattice vibrational modes (phonons), so that the particles or carriers have a double
electron charge and zero spin quantum number .S D 0/. If a chain of uniformly
spaced polaron carriers move in real space as a dynamic ferroelectric condensation,
there need not be competition for quantum states. Carriers enter cells to occupy
states vacated by simultaneously exiting carriers. This situation is analogous to a
vacuum diode without space charge, where each electron emitted from the cathode
arrives at the anode before the next one is emitted.
Since the large polaron model is based on the classical London theory (rn
instead of rj
0), the carriers are not assumed to be free electrons, and there
is no requirement for paired electrons mediated by phonons or other “entities” in
k-space; in fact, there is no requirement for paired electrons based on purely elec-
trostatic grounds. Instead, the individual polarons may be ordered electrostatically
by repulsion within a chain of covalent bonds (the giant molecule concept), and real-
space spin pairing in a supercurrent could be required only to maintain any existing
dynamic antiferromagnetic order (e.g., spin waves) along the molecular transfer
paths. The Pauli principle is satisfied if either the polaron spin S
D 0 and magnetic
disorder prevails in a lattice that favors antiferromagnetic coupling in an undiluted
state, or the host-lattice ion spins S
themselves are zero. Where the carriers trans-
fer as real-space pairs with the double electron transfer of an S
D 0 polaron, the
single ensemble wavefunction solution of Ginsburg and Landau becomes applica-
ble since the limitations of Fermi statistics are circumvented by S D 0 bosons.
Since these bosons are local and would condense in real space, the overlapping ne-
cessitated by the k-space Cooper pair correlation is no longer of concern, and the
question of a Schafroth condensation
is moot. Bose–Einstein statistics could also
apply as in the quantum boson fluid formalism required by the BCS theory. Whether
as individuals or pairs, however, covalent rather than conduction electrons are in-
volved, and the superconduction system proposed is more localized than collective,
particularly in the systems of low polaron density.
8.4.2 Zero-Spin Polarons and Magnetic Frustration
Superconductivity occurs in oxides where spin alignment and rS D 0 issues are
moot if the spin of one of the transfer cations is zero and the lattice environment
is without long-range antiferromagnetic order. In this case polaron tunneling is the
dominant transfer mechanism because the b
condition is assured and inco-
herent thermal hopping is reduced to a secondary role at low temperatures [7]. Spin
transport in transition-metal oxides in which significant local magnetic exchange
See, for example, J.M. Blatt [56].