514 Wavelets
approximation, even at a point relatively far away from the discontinuity, as in Ex-
ample 14.4.6.
The partial sums S
f(θ) do not always converge to f(θ) when f is merely con-
tinuous. Thanks to Gibbs’s phenomenon, S
f(θ) will always exhibit bad behaviour
near discontinuities, no matter how large n is. While we can get better approxima-
tions by using σ
f(θ) instead of S
f(θ), this will not resolve such problems as
slowly decreasing Fourier coefficients.
This suggests looking for a series expansion with better local properties, mean-
ing that coefficients reflect the local behaviour of the function and a small change
on one interval affects only a few of the series coefficients and leaves unchanged
the partial sums elsewhere in the domain. It may seem unlikely that there are useful
wavelet bases with this local approximation property that still have nice behaviour
under translation and dilation. However, they do exist, and they were developed in
the 1980s. The discovery has provoked a vast literature of both theoretical and prac-
tical importance. No one family of wavelets is ideal for all problems, but we can
develop different wavelets to solve specific problems. Developing such wavelets is
an important practical problem.
In this chapter, we will illustrate some of the general features of wavelets. The
basic example is the Haar wavelet, a rather simple case that is not the best for
applications but illuminates the general theory. We construct one of the most used
wavelets, the Daubechies wavelet, although we don’t prove that it is continuous.
This requires tools we don’thave; most notably, the Fouriertransform. We establish
the existence of another continuous wavelet, the Franklin wavelet, but this requires
considerable work. Our focus is the use of real analysis in the foundational theory.
We leave the development of efficient computational strategies to more specialized
treatments, such as those in the bibliography.
Most of the literature deals with bases for functions on the whole real line rather
than for periodic functions, so we will work in this context. This means that we will
be looking for special orthonormal bases for L
(R), the Hilbert space of all square
integrable functions on R with the norm
As in Section 9.6, we define L
(R) as the completion of C
(R), the continuous
functions of compact support on R, in the L
15.1.1. DEFINITION. A wavelet is a function ψ ∈ L
(R) such that the set
(x) = 2
x − j) : j, k ∈ Z
forms an orthonormal basis for L
(R). Sometimes ψ is called the mother wavelet.
This is more precisely called a dyadic wavelet to stress that dilations are taken
to be powers of 2. This is a common choice but is not the most general one. No-
tice that the wavelet basis has two parameters, whereas the Fourier basis for L
has only one, given by dilation alone. From the complex point of view, sines and