364 The ergodic–nonergodic transition
renormalized transport coefficient L(q, z) is expressed as a self-consistent functional
of the density correlation function of the {ψ}:
L(q, z) ≡ M
[{ψ}]. (8.1.2)
Therefore, with the coupled set of equations (8.1.1) and (8.1.2) obtained in steps I and
II above, the time correlation function of the density fluctuations is expressed in terms
of renormalized transport coefficients, which themselves are expressed in terms of corre-
lation functions. This gives rise to a self-consistent feedback mechanism for the density
correlation function with characteristic slow dynamics.
It is useful to note at this point that originally non-self-consistent mode-coupling models
were used in the study of relaxation in systems near second-order phase-transition points
(Fixman, 1962; Kadanoff and Swift, 1968; Kawasaki, 1970a, 1970b). In this approach the
renormalizing contributions to the transport coefficients are approximated as a functional
}] of the correlation functions C
between the different hydrodynamic modes in
the linear theory which involve only the bare transport coefficients. In the case of critical
phenomena, the static correlations grow indefinitely near the transition point and, through
the mode-coupling terms, the cooperative effects over different length and time scales are
probed. For the normal liquid state, mode-coupling contributions to transport coefficients
(Alley et al., 1983) and diffusivity (Curkier and Mehaffey, 1978) were computed at low-
est order to account for the substantial difference between computer-simulation data and
corresponding results obtained from the Enskog theory (Résibois and de Leener, 1977).
The latter takes into account only short-time uncorrelated dynamics of the particles and
is applicable for low-density fluids. More exotic results from inclusion of mode-coupling
effects indicated breakdown of conventional hydrodynamics, e.g., the long-time tails in the
dynamic correlation functions (Forster et al., 1977), or divergence of components of the
dynamic viscosity tensor in smectic-A liquid crystals (Mazenko et al., 1983; Milner and
Martin, 1986).
The relevance of the MCT to the theory of the glass transition came with the idea of
expressing the mode-coupling terms, i.e., the functional M
[{C}]for the generalized trans-
port coefficient, solely in terms of the full density–density correlation function ψ itself.
The functional M
[{C}] and the defining relation for ψ in terms of the generalized trans-
port coefficient gave a closed equation for ψ (Geszti, 1983). From expression (7.3.66) we
see that, if the density correlation freezes in the long-time limit, L(q, z) has a 1/z pole.
Such a pole in the viscosity, when substituted into (7.3.68), appears to be self-consistent
with the 1/z pole for the correlation function. The mode-coupling model that we discuss
in this chapter is based on this crucial dynamic feedback mechanism. We note here in
this regard that the model equations follow from a generalized-hydrodynamics approach
extended to the finite-wave-vector or corresponding short-length-scale regime. The glass
transition is not intrinsically related to the long distance and long time scales which con-
cern hydrodynamics in the traditional sense. The transition to an amorphous solid-like
state is characterized by the freezing process occurring first over small or intermediate