7.3 Renormalization 347
A self-consistent expression for the memory function L
is obtained in terms of a nonlin-
ear function of ρ
s exploiting the proper fluctuation–dissipation relation. The final form
(8.1.33) is reached here by assuming that the noise f
is an additive Gaussian process. A
similar approach was used by Wu and Cao (2003) for obtaining the memory kernel for a
linear molecular liquid.
Note that in the wave-vector-dependent models the length scales over which the fluctu-
ations are considered are very small. Near the static structure-factor peak the length scale
is of the order of the diameter of a constituent particle. This involves extending the the-
ory to much shorter length and time scales beyond the hydrodynamic limit. This is the
regime of generalized hydrodynamics. It is, however, important to note that the validity
of the renormalized perturbation theory in terms of correlation functions has so far been
established only in the hydrodynamic limit, and the extension of the equations of fluctu-
ating nonlinear hydrodynamics to large wave vector is merely a plausible assumption at
this point. At high densities the mean free path of the liquid particles is small and hence
the validity of hydrodynamics is pushed to short length scales. Both in the field-theoretic
model and in the so-called memory-function approach (discussed in Appendix A7.4)the
wave-vector dependence of the vertex functions at large k involves invoking this limit. This
indeed goes back to the very basic problem of extending the dense-liquid-state theory to
the finite-wave-number and -frequency limit.
Recently a fundamental theory for the kinetics of systems of classical particles has been
presented (Mazenko, 2010). This involves a unification of kinetic theory, Brownian motion,
and the MSR field theory. Here, instead of following the standard method of constructing
the field theory with the conserved densities, one works with the microscopic equations of
motion. It is the dynamic generalization of the functional theory of fluids in equilibrium.
In this model the conjugate set of (hatted) MSR fields is introduced at the microscopic
level and the perturbation theory is organized self-consistently in terms of the interaction
potential. At the second order, the renormalized equations for the density correlation func-
tions constitute a dynamic feedback mechanism and give rise to the ergodic–nonergodic
(ENE) transition. This is very similar to ENE transition in the standard mode-coupling
theory to be discussed in the next chapter. While the model with microscopic Brownian
dynamics applies naturally to colloidal systems, the approach in general allows for com-
patible approximations for higher-order correlation functions and is in fact applicable to
a large set of dynamical systems. These include reversible and dissipative systems with
Newtonian and Fokker–Planck dynamics.
To summarize, we have obtained here, using the field-theoretic approach, the expres-
sions for the density–density correlation in terms of generalized transport coefficients,
including the effects from the coupling of the slow modes. The MSR field-theoretic model
presents a suitable technique by which to obtain the renormalized perturbation theory in
a self-consistent form. In the next chapters we discuss how this self-consistent model is
used for understanding the slow dynamics characteristic of the dense liquid approaching