7.1 The Martin–Siggia–Rose theory 319
Markovian. The random forces or the noises in the nonlinear stochastic equations of motion
are related to the bare transport coefficients of the system through the usual fluctuation–
dissipation relations.
The corrections to the bare transport coefficients due to the nonlin-
earities provide what is termed the mode-coupling contributions. With the field-theoretic
methods described below, these corrections can be computed in a systematic manner in
successive orders in a perturbation theory. Finally, apart from the above two approaches,
the simplest form of the mode-coupling model is also obtained directly from the equations
of nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics without getting into an involved formalism. We
present this deduction (Kawasaki, 1995) in Appendix A7.
7.1 The Martin–Siggia–Rose theory
The MSR theory is constructed in terms of a generating functional from which both the
time correlation and the response functions are obtained. The original theory (Martin et al.,
1973; Dekker and Haake, 1975; Phythian, 1975, 1976; Andersen, 2000) was developed
with an operator formalism involving the field ψ and an additional adjoint operator
The ψ operator does not commute with its hatted counterpart. The correlation between
ψ and
ψ corresponds to the response functions, which are computed together with the
usual correlation functions between the ψ s. The MSR field theory applied to the case of
classical continuous fields satisfying a linear or nonlinear Langevin equation has subse-
quently been formulated using the functional integral approach (Janssen, 1976; Bausch
et al., 1976; Phythian, 1977; De Dominicis and Pelti, 1978). By construction this for-
mulation also involves, in addition to the field variable, an associated hatted field in a
manner that is very similar to the operator approach of the original MSR theory. In the
following we will adhere to the functional integral formulation of the MSR. It has been
applied extensively in a variety of problems: to mention a few examples, for the study of
diffusion in disordered media (Bouchaud and Georges, 1990); polymer solution dynamics
(Fredrickson and Helfand, 1990); domain-growth problems in dynamics of phase transition
(Mazenko, 1990); diffusion in random media (Deem and Chandler, 1994); driven diffusive
systems (Garrido et al., 1990); diffusion of a Brownian particle in a fluid with random time-
independent velocity fields (Deem, 1995); critical dynamics of driven interfaces in random
media (Narayan and Fisher, 1993); interface growth using Kadar–Parisi–Zhang (Kadar
et al., 1986; Medina et al., 1989) equations in field-theoretic models (Sun and Plischeke,
1994; Frey and Tauber, 1994); dynamics of liquid crystals (Milner and Martin, 1986); study
of turbulence (Eyink, 1994; Mou and Weichman, 1995); and roughening surface transitions
in the presence of a disordered pinning potential (Scheidl, 1995). Our primary focus in the
present discussion is on the formulation of the MSR model for studying the dynamics of
supercooled liquids. The field-theoretic model for the dense liquid has been studied by var-
ious authors (Das and Mazenko, 1986, 2009; Kim and Mazenko, 1991, Mazenko and Yeo,
1994; Yeo and Mazenko, 1995, Das and Schilling, 1993, Kawasaki and Miyazima, 1997;
These bare transport coefficients L
s introduced here are treated as input parameters to be determined from kinetic theories
dealing with the short-time dynamics of the fluid.