6.3 Stochastic balance equations 303
and transport coefficients as required by the symmetry of the corresponding crystal, mak-
ing the formulation extremely complicated. The simplified description given above for
the isotropic system is more relevant to the case of amorphous solids in which freezing
has occurred at the scale of local structure but overall translational invariance is main-
tained over longer distances. However, this inherently brings into the above description
an underlying time scale over which the definition of the displacement field is applicable.
The particles vibrate around their mean positions, forming a random lattice structure that
corresponds to a metastable minimum of the potential energy of the many-particle system.
In the deeply supercooled glassy state the solid-like behavior persists for very long times
over which the above solid-like description applies.
6.3 Stochastic balance equations
In the previous sections of this chapter we have considered the dynamics for a system in
which the individual particles follow time-reversible equations of Hamiltonian mechan-
ics. We discussed the formulation of linear as well as nonlinear Langevin equations in
terms of collective densities like the mass density ρ(x, t) and g(x, t). These coarse-grained
densities or averaged quantities whose space and time variations are smooth have dynam-
ics described in terms of partial differential equations, which have in general reversible
as well as irreversible parts. On the other hand, we have non-coarse-grained densities
corresponding (see definitions (5.1.1)–(5.1.3) in Chapter 5)toexact balance equations
(see eqns. (5.1.4)–(5.1.6) with the respective currents). These equations are reversible
since the microscopic dynamics is reversible. Irreversibility in the Langevin equations for
the coarse-grained densities in the case of Newtonian dynamics is phenomenologically
In the present section we will discuss the situation in which the dynamics at the micro-
scopic level is chosen to be irreversible. This can represent the dynamics of the colloid
particles in a solvent. We describe the dynamics of the individual particle approximately
with an equation of motion that is a Langevin equation with a dissipative as well as fluctuat-
ing term representing noise. This approximates the effect of the solvent molecules of much
smaller inertia constantly colliding with the bigger colloidal particles. With this dissipa-
tive microscopic dynamics we obtain here a corresponding set of exact balance equations,
similarly to the case of Newtonian dynamics discussed in the earlier sections.
6.3.1 Smoluchowski dynamics
In the present section we consider an N -particle system in which the microscopic dynamics
of the constituent particles is described with the Smoluchowski equations (Smoluchowski,
1915) involving only the particle coordinates. The momentum dependence of the particles
is ignored in the over-damped limit. A colloidal system with heavy particles in a solution
is a typical example of such a system. Let each of the N particles be of mass m, with their