sgròban, -ain, -an nm crop (of a bird),
gizzard, maw
sgrog, -adh v cock, pull a hat down firmly
bha ad air a sgrogadh a-nuas air a
mhala his hat was pulled down firmly on
his forehead
sgrogadh, -aidh nm & vn of sgrog cocking
sgrothaiche nm epidermis
sgrubaig, -eadh v scrub
sgrubaigeadh, -idh nm & vn of sgrubaig
sgrùd, -adh v audit, dissect, examine,
inspect, look over, monitor, rake (with the
eyes), review, scan, scrutinize, sound
sgrùd e an fhaire he raked the
ciamar a bhitheas seo air a
sgrùdadh? how will this be monitored?
sgrùdach, -aiche a critical
sgrùdadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of
sgrùd examining etc. analysis, audience,
criticism, dissection, examination, inquest,
inspection, research, review, scrutiny,
sgrùdadh eòlais-leighis medical
thoir / dèan sgrùdadh air criti-
cize, examine, inspect, review, scrutinize,
put under scrutiny
tha sinn a’ toirt sgrù-
dadh air an t-suidheachadh we are exam-
ining the situation
rinn e sgrùdadh air
an leabhar he reviewed the book
sgrùdaiche, -ean nm examiner
sgrùdaidh a review
buidheann sgrùdaidh
a review group
sgrùdair(e), -ean nm auditor, critic, inspec-
tor, reviser, scrutiniser
sgrugaill, -ean nf neck (of a bottle)
le marbal anns an sgrugaill a bottle with
a marble in the neck (uncommon)
sgruimbean, -ein nm scrub (geog.)
sgruimbeanach, -aiche a scrubby,
scrubbed (geog. – of vegetation)
sguab, sguaibe, -an nf 1. sheaf (corn)
iad a’ ceangal nan sguab they were
binding the sheaves 2. brush, broom, mop
dh’fhuadaich i an cat le sguaib she
drove away the cat with a broom
sguab, -adh v brush, sweep, whisk, wipe
bha i a’ sguabadh an làir she was brush-
ing / sweeping the floor
sguab an fhairge
leatha an laimrig the sea swept away the
landing jetty (lit. swept with her)
bha iad
fo eagal gun sguabadh an achd ùr seo
leatha na seann chleachdaidhean they
were afraid this new act would sweep away
the old customs
sguab iad leotha gach nì
they carried all before them
is ann leis
a’ chaithimh a chaidh a sguabadh he was
swept away by consumption
though air
falbh is often employed: chaidh bacaid-
hean a sguabadh air falbh restrictions
were swept away
sguab às quaff
sguabadair, -ean nm sweeper (person /
sguabag, -aige, -an nf whisk
sguabte pp swept
bha iad sguabte air
falbh they were swept away
sguad, -aichean nm squad
sguadron, -oin, -an nm squadron
sguaidhir, sguaidhreach, sguaidhrichean
nf square
sguain, -e, -ean nf train (of a dress)
sguatair, -ean nm squatter
sguch, -adh v 1. move, stir 2. sprain, strain
sguchadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of
sguch sprain, strain
sgud, -adh v chop, lop, hew down
e ris na craobhan a sgudadh he began to
chop down the trees
sgudadh, -aidh nm & vn of sgud
chopping etc.
sgudal, -ail nm refuse, trash, waste, waste
sgudal niùclasach nuclear waste
sguibeach a peaked (of a cap)
currac sguibeach air he was wearing
a peaked cap
sguidilear, -eir, -an nm scullion, drudge
sguidilearachd mf drudgery, dirty work
bha seòmar ann airson sguidilearachd
there was a room for dirty work
sgùil, -e, -ean nf 1. scuttle 2. scull (flat bas-
ket for holding fishing lines)
bha lìon-
beag aige ann an sgùil he had a small-line
in a scull
sguir, sgur v cease, desist, stop
an do
sguir an t-uisge? has the rain stopped?
ann an tiota sguir e in an instant it stopped
sguiribh anns a’ bhad stop at once
sguir de discontinue, knock off, leave off,
quit, stop
thuirt e gum fònadh e chun a’
phoileis mura sguireadh iad dheth he said
that he would phone [to] the police if they
didn’t stop it
b’eudar dhaibh sgur de
chluiche they had to stop playing
sguir a
dhèanamh sin stop doing that (note that a
is short for de)
an sguir thu a throd
rium? will you stop nagging me?
na gunnachan a losgadh the guns stopped
thuirt an dotair ris gum bu chòir
dha sgur a dh’obair the doctor said to him
that he ought to stop working (a dh’ ⫽ de
before vowels)
sgùird, -e, -ean nf skirt
sgùm nm skim, scum, refuse
bha sgùm
air uachdar an uisge there was scum on
the surface of the water
sgròban 524