colours / wearing more brightly coloured
bha a’ mhadainn ciùin, soilleir
the morning was calm and clear
soilleireachadh, -aidh nm & vn of
soilleirich demonstration, elucidation,
enlightenment, explanation, illumination
bha e a’ feuchainn ri soilleireachadh
a dhèanamh air an dàn he was trying to
explain / throw some light upon the poem
soilleireachd nf brightness, clarity, clear-
ness, intelligibility, light, lucidity
soilleirich, -eachadh v brighten, clarify,
clear, clear up, demonstrate, elucidate,
enlighten, explain, expound, gleam, illu-
mine, illuminate, illustrate, light, lighten
(make / become brighter), shine
soillse nf indec light
soillseach, -iche a light (i.e. concerning /
consisting of light), luminous
bann an
speactraim shoillsich a band of the light
soillseachadh, -aidh nm & vn of soillsich
brightening etc., illumination, illustration
soillsich, -eachadh v
same as soilleirich
soineannta a naïve, serene, meek, gentle
tha iad uabhasach soineannta mu na tha
seo a’ciallachadh dhaibh they are awfully
naïve about what this means to them
soineanntachd nf naïvety, serenity, calm,
soirbh, -e a easy, plain, simple
bàs soirbh
tha e soirbh a dhiochuimh-
neachadh gu bheil… it is easy to forget
that … is …
bhiodh iad soirbh coimhead
às an dèidh they would be easy to look
after (lit. they would be easy looking after
soirbh-dhùil nf optimism
am meadhan
na soirbh-dhùile coitchinn… in the midst
of the common optimism … s.-dhùileach
a optimistic
tha e ro shoirbh-dhùileach
a bhith a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil … it’s
too optimistic to think that …
soirbheachadh, -aidh nm & vn of soirb-
hich prospering etc., prosperity, success
soirbheachadh a bhàrdachd the success
of his poetry
tha sinn a’ guidhe gach
soirbheachadh dhaibh we wish them
every success
soirbheachail, -e a prosperous, successful
aon de na taisbeanaidhean as soirb-
heachaile a chaidh a chur air dòigh anns
an talla seo one of the most successful
exhibitions that has ever been put on in
this hall
an dèidh seisean-obrach soirb-
heachail after a successful work session
soirbheachd nf facility
soirbheas, -eis, -an nm 1. prosperity,
tha sinn a’ guidhe soirbheas
dhaibh we wish them success 2. wellbeing
3. breeze
soirbheas socair gentle breeze
sheòl iad agus soirbheas fàbharach às an
dèidh they sailed with a favourable breeze
behind them
soirbheasach, -aiche adj 1. prosperous,
successful, thriving 2. fair, as a wind 3.
soirbhich, -eachadh v facilitate, prosper,
succeed, thrive (often used impersonally,
followed by some form of le)
… agus
shoirbhich leis gu tur… and he / it masc
succeeded completely
ged a shoirbhich
leis ellipsis; though he succeeded …
soirceas, -eis, -an nm circus
sòisealach, -aich, -aich nm socialist
sòisealach, -aiche a socialistic
sòisealachd nf socialism
sòisealta a social
na Saidheansan
Sòisealta (the) Social Sciences
feasgar sòisealta air a ullachadh a social
evening was arranged
soisgeul, -eil nm gospel
a’ sear-
monachadh an t-soisgeil preaching the
an Soisgeul a rèir Eòin the
gospel according to St. John
soisgeulach, -aich, -aich nm
soisgeulach, -aiche a evangelical
toiseach a’ ghluasaid shoisgeulaich the
beginning of the evangelical movement
soisgeulaiche, -ean nm evangelist
soitheach, -ich, -ichean 1. (nm) dish
(porcelain), vessel (dish), pitcher
dhòirt i am bainne anns an t-soitheach
she poured the milk into the dish
cò tha
a’ nighe nan soithichean? who is washing
the dishes?
thàinig i a-staigh ’s i a’
giùlan an t-soithich mhòir she came in
[and she] carrying the large dish
shoithichean / searbhadair shoithichean
dish-cloth 2. (nf) vessel, ship
giùlain phlèanaichean aircraft carrier
soitheach solar èiginn emergency supply
soitheach pleadhaig paddle-boat
soitheach-fànais space-ship
chuir iad
an luchd anns an t-soithich they placed the
cargo in the ship
sheòl an t-soitheach
anns a’ mhadainn the vessel sailed in the
togail shoithichean shipbuild-
gàrradh shoithichean shipyard
shoithichean regatta
note: Dwelly gives
masc gender for all meanings, while
MacLennan gives fem gender for all
the differentiation by gender
soilleireachadh 540