5–47 Section 5.4 Properties of Logarithms 525
College Algebra Graphs & Models—
73. Pareto’s 80/20 principle: After observing that
80% of the land in his native Italy was owned by
20% of the population, Italian economist Vilfredo
Pareto (1848–1923) noted this disparity in many
other areas (20% of the workers produce 80% of
the output, 20% of the customers create 80% of the
revenue, etc.) and developed a mathematical model
for this phenomenon, called Pareto’s law. If N
represents the number of people with incomes
greater than X, then log log X,
where A and m are predetermined constants.
(a) Solve the equation for N and (b) given
and , find the number of people earning
over $200,000. Assume X is in hundreds of
thousands of dollars.
74. The species/area
The study of
what is now
known as island
originated with
Robert McArthur
and Edward O. Wilson in the 1960s. In general,
they found that the relationship between island area
and the number of species present could be
modeled by the equation log ,
where S represents the total number of species, A
represents the area of the island, while C and k are
predetermined constants that depend on the size
and proximity of other land masses as well as other
factors. This makes it possible to predict the
number of species on an island, when little other
information is available. (a) Solve the equation for
S and (b) given and , find the
predicted number of species an island with area of
75. Blood plasma pH
levels: To be safe
and usable, the
blood plasma held
by blood banks must
have a pH level
between 7.35 and
7.45. Blood outside
of this normal range
can cause
behavioral changes, or even death. Using ion-
sensitive electrodes, a sample of blood plasma is
known to have a concentration of
. Is the plasma usable?
⫽ 4.786 ⫻ 10
A ⫽ 2000 km
C ⫽ 8k ⫽ 0.81
S ⫽ log C ⫹ k log A
A ⫽ 9900
m ⫽ 1.5
N ⫽ log A ⫺ m
76. Fresh milk: As milk
begins to sour, there is
a corresponding
decrease in pH level.
Fresh milk has a pH
level of near 6.5. After
transport from farm to
market, a sample of
milk is tested using ion-
sensitive electrodes and
is found to have a
concentration of
Is this shipment of milk
still suitable for market?
77. Soil acidity:
Throughout many parts
of the Midwest, surface
soils are neutral to
slightly alkaline. While
a majority of crops
might prefer a pH
neutral soil ,
some crops thrive in
more acidic soils
(potatoes, strawberries,
others). For these
crops, elemental sulfur
is applied to help
decrease the pH level (the optimum pH level for
potato crops is near 5.2). Measurements of the soil
on a certain midwestern farm indicate a hydrogen
ion concentration of . Is the
soil ready for a potato crop to be planted?
78. Acidity of gastric juices: The normal pH value of
human gastric juice can vary from 1 to 3,
depending on genetics, diet, and other factors. The
acidity is designed to control
various harmful
microorganisms that a person
may ingest as they eat.
Drinking large quantities of
water before a meal can have
a dramatic effect on this pH
value, sometimes raising it
beyond the normal range to as high as 4 or 5,
making it possible for some harmful bacteria to
survive. If a hospital patient’s stomach fluid has a
hydrogen ion concentration of
, is the pH level within a
normal range?
⫽ 3.981 ⫻ 10
⫽ 1.259 ⫻ 10
1pH ⫽ 72
⫽ 3.981 ⫻ 10
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