3–57 Section 3.4 Quadratic Models; More on Rates of Change 337
College Algebra G&M—
43. Height of a falling object:
Neglecting air resistance, the height of an object
that is thrown straight downward with velocity v
from a height of h
is given by the formula shown,
where h(t) represents the height at time t. The
Earth’s longest vertical drop (on land) is the Rupal
Face on Nanga Parbat (Pakistan), which rises
15,000 ft above its base. From the top of this rock
face, a climber’s piton hammer slips from her hand
and is projected downward with an initial velocity
of 6 ft/sec. Determine the hammer’s height after
(a) sec and (b) sec. (c) Use the results
to calculate the average rate of change over this
t ⫽ 7t ⫽ 5
ⴚ v
t ⴙ h
2-sec interval. (d) Repeat parts a, b, and c for
sec and sec and comment.
44. The Difference Quotient:
As we’ll see in Section 3.6, the difference quotient
is closely related to the average rate of change.
a. Given and , evaluate D(3)
using the formula.
b. Calculate the average rate of change of f(x)
over the interval [3, 3.1] and comment on what
you notice.
h ⫽ 0.1f
1x2⫽ x
1x ⴙ h2ⴚ f 1x2
t ⫽ 12t ⫽ 10
45. Registration for 5-km
race: A local community
hosts a popular 5-km race
to raise money for breast
cancer research. Due to
certain legal restrictions,
only the first 5000
registrants will be allowed
to compete. The table
shows the cumulative number of registered
participants at the end of the day, for the first
5 days. (a) Use a graphing calculator to find a
quadratic regression equation that models the data.
Use this equation to estimate (b) the number of
participants after 1 week of registration, (c) the
number of days it will take for the race to fill up,
and (d) the maximum number of participants that
would have signed up had there been no limit.
Round to the nearest hundredth when necessary.
46. Concert tickets: In San
Francisco, the Javier
Mendoza Band has
scheduled a concert at
Candlestick Park. Once
the tickets go on sale, the
band is sure to sell out
this 70,000 person venue.
The table shows the cumulative number of tickets
sold each week, for the first 4 weeks. (a) Use a
graphing calculator to find a quadratic regression
equation that models the data. Use this equation to
(b) estimate the number of tickets sold after 5 weeks,
(c) estimate the number of weeks it will take for
the concert to sell out, and (d) estimate the number
of fans that won’t get to attend the show.
47. Guided tours: A tour
guide for Kalaniohana
Tours noticed that for
groups of two to seven
people, the average time
it took to organize them at
the beginning of a tour
actually decreased as the
group size increased. For
groups of eight or more,
however, the logistics (and questions asked)
actually caused a significant increase in the start
time required. Using the given table and a
graphing calculator, (a) find a quadratic regression
equation that models the data. Use this equation to
(b) estimate how long it would take to get a group
of five tourists ready, (c) estimate the tour capacity
if start-up time can be no longer than 10 min, and
(d) estimate the fastest start time that could be
expected. Round to the nearest hundredth as
48. Gardening: The
production of a garden
can be diminished not
only by lack of water, but
also by overwatering.
Shay has kept diligent
records of her 100-ft
tomato garden’s weekly
production, as well as
the amount of water it received through watering
and rain. Use the given table and a graphing
calculator to (a) find a quadratic regression
equation that models the data. Then use this
equation to (b) estimate how many tomatoes she
Day Total
1 791
2 1688
3 2407
4 3067
5 3692
No. of Start-up
Tourists Time (sec)
2 206
4 115
11 154
13 269
Ticket Sales
Week Total
1 17,751
2 31,266
3 45,311
4 54,986
Water No. of
Total (gal) Tomatoes
77 11
132 25
198 29
256 20
315 1
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