. 16
2. Mark the platen and the press arm #1; always return this
platen to this arm.
3. Level the platen front to rear and side-to-side.
4. With level centered front to rear, rotate platen to 12, 3, 6
and 9 oclock.
5. Check level at all four directions for plumb of the center
6. If shaft appears out, use a torpedo level on the center shaft.
7. Check all four sides of the shaft for plumb.
8. If it reads similarly, the indexer may need to be leveled.
Please notify M&R at this time.
PPrreeppaarree tthhee pprreessss..
9. Clean all platens.
Chapter 4
Follow these steps to simplify
press calibration:
1. The threads of the bolts for
platen height adjustment as
well as off-contact distance are
16 tpi. That means that one
complete turn of the knob or
nut on the bolt will move the
part 1/16th of an inch or 60
mils (0.060). So if you need to
adjust a platen or a screen
holder 60 thousandths, simply
turn the nut or knob from 12
oclock until 12 oclock again
one complete revolution, you
will have moved 60 mils.
2. If you have a relatively high
quality bubble level, it may be
capable of much more accura-
cy than you think. The bubble
is to be centered between the
lines right? Not specifically, the
bubble is to be centered
between the lines on the
backside of the tube. Look
closely there are rings that run
completely around the tube
containing the bubble. For you
to center the bubble between
the back side of the rings, you
will have to be directly in front
of the level. The degree of
error is negligible if you use
this proper technique.
3. When you have set the platen
or screen holders and it is time
to tighten them in position,
you want to do just that dont
alter the position. The tech-
nique is simple. For the platens,
hand tighten gently and then
use two open end wrenches
and simultaneously turn them
to a center point. With the off-
contact knobs, turn each inde-
Tips For
Press Calibration
Figure 4.8 This shows the torpedo level running in the front to rear direc-
tion in 6.8a and side to side in figure 6.8b. Both directions must be level at
this time.