. 49
temperatures all affect the
emissivity of the ink and
therefore the readings of the
heat gun.
These do not need to touch
the part, but focus on a nar-
row field even from a dis-
tance. For flash-cure testing,
these guns are indispensable.
Keep them away from direct
exposure to heat and if you
have not calibrated the gun,
realize that the numbers may
be sufficient but not absolute.
ppeerraattuurree TTaappeess
These are gray plastic, which
are used one time only. When
exposed to heat the gray turns
black. They are available in
ranges of temperatures that
will allow you to test for tem-
perature in a dryer. They are
expensive, but convenient and
fast-they will not interrupt
production. Do not get con-
fused and think you are test-
ing for cure, this tests for
temperature only.
Ink Mileage
There are three ways to esti-
mate the ink mileage on a T-
shirt and the most accurate
occurs after the job has
ended. The second most
accurate requires a very sensi-
tive gram scale and the third
EEssttiimmaattiinngg BByy WWeeiigghhtt
1. Cut a swatch of the material.
2. Run swatch through dryer.
3. Weigh swatch on very precise gram scale (tenths of a
4. Immediately print ink color onto swatch.
5. Immediately run printed swatch through the dryer.
6. Re-weigh the swatch.
7. Subtract unprinted swatch weight from printed
swatch weight.
8. Divide the resulting weight by the weight of a gallon.
9. This is the percentage of a gallon used per print.
EEssttiimmaattiinngg bbyy AArreeaa
1. Refer to Approximate Mils per Mesh chart, figure 3.22.
2. Find your mesh count on the vertical axis.
3. Find the approximate mils on the horizontal axis.
4. Refer to Ink Mileage Based On Deposit, figure 3.23
5. Find the square foot per gallon.
6. Find the square footage per color.
7. Divide the results of # 5 by the results of #6.
8. Refer to Dozen Per Gallon at 50% Coverage, figure 3.23.
8. Compare the results to 50% coverage at your
Notes: For greater accuracy on ink mileage, estimate by
area. Some graphics software packages offer a pixel
count for extreme accuracy of computing image area.
Measuring the wet and dried ink film thickness will be
more precise than the table provided.
Ink Mileage
How To