138 17 Stability Aspects of Turbulence in Model Problems
the viscous term in the dual equation. Effectively, we may then leave out the
viscous term. Further, we note that the size of the dual solution ϕ does not
seem to be much affected by the convection, since convection only shifts ϕ
in space but does not change its size. In contrast, the reaction term with
coefficient ∇u
obviously may change the size of ϕ, and thus may affect the
size of S. We thus focus on the stability properties of the reaction problem:
− ˙ϕ + Aϕ = ψ on [0,
t ), ϕ(
t ) = 0,
where the matrix A = ∇u
depends on (x, t). We are interested in the size
of the dual solution ϕ for different ψ. In a turbulent flow A may have large
coefficients which may change rapidly with (x, t). In general we may expect
that the growth properties of ϕ connect to the spectrum of A with exponen-
tial growth corresponding to eigenvalues with negative real part, exponential
decay to eigenvalues with positive real part, and oscillations corresponding to
the imaginary part of conjugate pairs of eigenvalues.
Let us now freeze x and let λ
(t), i = 1, 2, 3, be the eigenvalues of A(x, t).
By (approximate) incompressibility of u and the fact that the sum of the
eigenvalues of a matrix is equal to the sum of its diagonal elements, we have
Real part(λ
) ≈ 0,
see Fig. 17.1, and thus we may expect that the exponential growth and decay
from the real parts of the eigenvalues will balance with no net growth, if we
let ϕ convect over different x with the convection velocity u.
It remains to understand the possible effect of the oscillating nature cou-
pled to the imaginary part of the conjugate eigenvalues. We shall see that
this connects to the observation that stability factors decrease as the length
of the mean values in time increases, which we could address to cancellation
in integrals of oscillating functions. We first present a model case with a pair
of conjugate imaginary eigenvalues, in which case the dual problem for each
x is just the harmonic oscillator.
17.2 Rotating Flow
We consider a flow corresponding to one rotating vortex tube oriented in the
-direction given by the stationary flow ˆu = (u, p) such that
u(x) = ω(−x
, x
, 0), p =
+ x
which satisfies the NS equations with ν = 0 and f = 0, see Fig. 17.2. Here
ω is a moderately large positive number which represents the angular rota-
tional velocity of the vortex tube. We may think of the vortex tube having a
diameter 1/ω, and we may, very loosely speaking, think of a turbulent flow as