14.7 Reformulation of the Prize Problem 121
case basis, so the Prize would have to be reformulated as a collection of say
1000 $1000 prizes, one for each case. In this book we cover a certain number
of these cases of key interest in applications.
We may compare with the following purely qualitative formulation which
could fit into a tradition of “pure” mathematics dealing with exact solutions:
• (P2) What outputs of Leray’s weak solutions are unique?
In this book we present evidence indicating that (P2) is impossible to answer,
because of its purely qualitative nature. Instead we propose the quantitative
formulation (P1) involving approximate weak solutions. We could also formu-
late this problem as a problem of stability or sensitivity as follows:
• (P3) Determine output sensitivity of -weak solutions with > 0, that is,
estimate the stability factor S
ψ) for > 0 for different flows and different
outputs (and different norms for the test functions).
We have seen above that the difference in output given by a function
ψ of
two -weak solutions is at most 2S
ψ), which reflects the output sensitivity
in quantitative form. We may thus answer (P1) by answering (P3). One may
refer to (P3) as a question of weak uniqueness as a short for output sensitivity
of approximate weak solutions.
We remind the reader again that a Leray weak solution corresponds to a
-weak solution with = 0. If S
ψ) < ∞, one could in purely qualitative form
argue that S
ψ) = 0 for = 0, and output uniqueness of Leray solutions
would follow. However, as we said above, if S
ψ) is very large, this conclusion
could be misleading, because multiplication of 0 by ∞ is ill defined. We thus
would conclude that (P2) may not be a mathematically sound formulation,
while the quantitative version (P3) should be.
In this book we thus only consider -weak solutions with > 0. In fact
the concept of an 0-weak solution does not make much sense, since already a
weak solution is some kind of approximate solution in the pointwise sense. We
may then as well choose > 0, and refrain from the possibly “pathological”
case = 0!
In this book we address (P1), or (P3), using adaptive finite element meth-
ods with a posteriori error estimation. As indicated above the a posteriori
error estimate results from an error representation expressing the output er-
ror as a space-time integral of the residual of a computed solution multiplied
by weights which relate to derivatives of the solution of an associated dual
problem. The weights express sensitivity of a certain output with respect to
the residual of a computed solution, and their size determine the degree of
computability of a certain output: The larger the weights are, the smaller
the residual has to be and the more work is required. In general the weights
increase as the size of the mean value in the output decreases, indicating
increasing computational cost for more local quantities. The stability factor
ψ) is a certain space-time norm of the weights, and gives a scalar measure
of the output sensitivity.