106 13 Turbulence and Chaos
then we would probably connect this to some Law of Chance. However, as
non-probabilists we might instead from the observed order suspect that we
are in fact dealing with a deterministic chaotic system based on some law, and
we could then find motivation to search for a law defining the system. The
observed order would then express the order built into the chaotic system by
its law, rather than some (mysterious) Law of Chance.
13.7 NS Chaotic rather than Random
At any rate, the NS equations do not seem to represent a random dynamical
system with solutions jumping around unpredictably like tossed coins in a
probabilistic setting. Therefore, we avoid using probability theory and statis-
tics in this book. We thus use a deterministic approach and not a probabilistic
one. We do this not only because we do not master probabilistic methods, but
also because we do not see any reasons to approach turbulence using such
methods, because we are dealing with a dynamical system with a known
simple law: Newtons 2nd law. We consider dynamical systems with pointwise
outputs being unpredictable and certain space-time mean value outputs being
predictable and we do not have to proceed to ensemble mean values. This way
we avoid the serious problem of obtaining input data needed in a statistical
approach. The data we need is deterministic input data for the NS equations
(f, u
, Ω, I, ν), which we can regard as mean values, but not data on sta-
tistical distributions such as covariances, which may be extremely difficult to
To handle uncertainties in data we use a deterministic approach based on
duality, where we compute sensitivities in output to perturbations in input,
only requiring a rough estimate of the variance, thus again avoiding detailed
We sum up this discussion by pinpointing an important difference between
a chaotic and a random system as follows: If we have access to only one trajec-
tory of a chaotic dynamical system, we may still get correct information about
certain mean values in space-time. In contrast, from knowing only one trajec-
tory of a random system, we can conclude nothing. In the standard setting
of discrete time it is impossible to draw some conclusion about the property
of a coin by throwing it once. To get information from a random system we
need ensembles of many trajectories from which we can form ensemble mean
values. We have to throw the coin many times to get statistical information
concerning its properties.
This is a key point directly coupling to computational work. To compute
information about a random system, we have to use Monte Carlo simulation
corresponding to computing many trajectories and taking ensemble mean val-
ues. Alternatively, randomness may be modeled in a deterministic system with
new independent variables, which is also computationally costly. In a chaotic
system like turbulent flow, it may be sufficient to compute one trajectory